Chapter 29

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(Warning!! Rated SPG)

Amira's POV

The doctor came from the capital later that day and they advised me not to move a lot or else it would cause minor tear so I remained in my bed and practically just stare at the window. I was lucky there was no need for stitches and whatnot. It would've been a bigger problem because of the upcoming line up I have to partake in a few days. I was advised to stay indoors till it heals.

Moon called the administration that my arrival would be a bit late because of the recent accident and Marta visited me once in awhile. She didn't want to go home and took care of me as much as she can. She was stubborn but she had strong sense of responsibility that I admire and she apologized numerous times even though I already told her I'm fine.

However, the Emperor asked for an audience from her daughters so she had no choice and depart earlier along with Moon and Gabriella.

I had the quick time to call my daughter before the doctor came and I was happy they finally settled into our new home.

I had certain thoughts I need to collect. After that conversation this morning, I couldn't stop thinking about it and couldn't even deny how much anticipation I have for her to come back and visit me in my room .

A subtly knock suddenly pushed me back from my deep thoughts as I pulled the blankets over my torso to cover my small injury.

"Come in." I called out. The doorknob twisted and the door opened revealing Solar with fruits on her hand.

"Hey." She said and placed the food on the table. "Hello." I feel like there's another form of lump in my throat when I am reminded of the time they spent in the same room that night but I didn't have the heart to ask her.

"I'm glad you're alright. You scared us thought the injury was deep."

"It's wasn't that serious, don't worry."

"That was pretty heroic of you, not gonna lie. If no one was there to protect the princess, Moon would be the one to blame for not protecting her little sister well." She chuckled humorously as she washed the tangerine from the clean bowl filled with water before opening it up.

"Open up." She smiled. My eyes literally hang open in shock, almost popping out of my socket as I took a little while longer to process what she was trying to imply.

"It's good for you. Come on." she chuckled. I hesitantly opened my mouth and I was immediately engulfed with sweet juicy goodness. Oh my world, she's feeding me?!

"Thank you." I quickly thanked her. She smiled in satisfaction as she popped in another one in my mouth. This person is so caring, it's insane!

"Does it still hurt?" She asked. "A little. Only when I move around a lot." I slowly replied.

"Hmm... That's a relief." I awkwardly smile as I felt the a certain awkwardness coming in the room and now, silence suddenly felt deafening.

"By the way, have Moon gave it to you yet?" I looked at her in confusion.

"The what?"

"You know, the one we worked on the other night."

"You two... Were working?" My brows furrowed, unsure of what she's trying to imply.

"Yeah, she asked me to help her make a handmade do-Oh!" She quickly covered her mouth and looked at me in terror as if she just spoiled the biggest agenda they both took part of.

"A what?" I asked again, not quite getting it right.

"A ... A do re mi so la ti doo~" I looked at her in pure amusement when she suddenly sang.

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