Chapter 40

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Amira's POV

I'm starved and I don't have much energy left in me.I was spending my strength crying a little too long that I could barely lift a finger.

I was horrified of what happened an hour ago. The man who was trapped on the chained wall passed away. We only found out about it when maggots started to scatter around his body, leaving it a foul smell and we were forced to transfer to the isolation cell outside the Imperial grounds for tomorrow's execution.

I don't know how far we've drove off the road but it took longer than how I expected it to be. If I were to estimate it, we're already travelling to our destination in about an hour long and instead of hearing the typical car horns outside, I heard nothing but birds and the moving vehicle we're on bumping on the rocks so I know that we're literally nowhere in the city and most probably be in the middle of nowhere.

My hands were trapped together along with this auntie who I've been talking with. As funny as it sounds, I still don't know her name.

"Say... I never knew you're name." I turned to her to make a conversation. Her lips twitched up in a smile and her wrinkles started to became prominent.

"Call me Lena Elisse."

"Elisse?" I repeated.

"But most call me Eli or you could also call me Lena." She said. "Oh... I'm Amira." She chuckled upon my sudden introduction.

"I know, sweetheart." I let out a nervous laugh. Of coarse she knows me. She works for the Queen after all.

"I just thought it's best to get to know each other if we're bound to die at the same time." She then again chuckled upon my remark.

Unlike the other day, her alerted eyes and firm facial expression has became more relaxed and eversince we got in the vehicle, she seems approachable than before. Probably because she saw me whailing and crying the whole night because of Moon's treatment towards me and until now, no help was ever extended for me nor did they try to

"Child, Aren't you scared of me for killing certain people?" She suddenly asked. Right, I clearly forgot what her job was. I can't believe I'm smiling at someone who will potentially kill me.

"Well... I do now that you reminded me that." I nervously chuckled. "Why? Are you going to kill me?" I asked.

"We're gonna get killed at the same time anyway so what's the point of killing you?" I bursted out laughing at her joking remark.

"Plus, I'm not a serial killer or anything. I'm just doing my job." My smile faded and look to meet her eyes. For some reason I could see regret pooling in her eyes and the sadness that emits within them.

I just know she had a lot of regrets in the past. "Eli, if I may ask. If you got the chance to turn back time, what would you want to change?" I asked.

"Getting married." I pulled out a thin smile.

"I assume you had someone before, huh."

She sniggered. "Even if I did, no one would love a person who pick pockets for a living, I might actually drain his pockets." My mouth literally dropped to the floor.

"What for?"

"To adopt about 30 children. What else?" She turned to me. Oh... I thought-

"You thought I'd gamble on useless sh*t and risk not getting my money back?"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like
tha-" She cut me off and laughed. "You're too naive child, of coarse I would gamble it." My mouth hang open and looked at her with disbelief.

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