Chapter 35

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Amira's POV

     I came out from the comfort room in complete relief. The main castle is very wide. I'm sure I'd still get lost to this place no matter how many times I try to memorize it . Now that I noticed it, this specific floor is not quite crowded and I could easily hear my footsteps in this hall.

   I would love to walk around here on the other day if I'm allowed. The view out of the window was very beautiful. I could overlook the maze and the garden, the annex, the other building and there was a big lake a little far from the place. There's also a gazebo identically the ones in Moon's mansion too!

   Walking through the halls, I heard muffling sound of people arguing.

  "We've already spent a fortune on that Line Up and you want us to call it off right on the second half?! Your Majesty... What have I done wrong? I will look into it so the results would be fair. Just don't end the line up!" My eyes widened as I cautiously hid myself on the corner.

  " Olivia, did your really expect me to trust you now after hearing that you paid some people to not include Amira?" I covered my mouth in surprise and shook my head in disbelief. The Queen paying someone not to include me back on the first result?!

  "Y-Your Majesty, I can explain. I did not ask the administrators anything. I was just merely giving them a tip for working hard. It wasn't even my fault that they think the same as me. We need to accept that Amira is not fit for Moon. Even you saw how she address a Queen. Do we really need someone with a foul mouth walking in this palace?!"

   "Do you ever realize how ridiculous that sounds, Oli? My daughter's happiness is at stake! We're not holding beauty pageants, we're picking someone who has a potential of making sure the future Empress feels fulfilled."

  "I-I am well aware of it, Your Majesty but-"

  "But you STILL meddled. Can't you stay put for once?! I really despise such behavior and I didn't expect it to be done by you." I flinched when the Emperor himself yelled back. I slowly stepped forward and peeked through the corner.

  "Your Majesty... Please have mercy on me..." The Queen sobbed and went on her knees. "Darling, it's lonely sleeping without you."

   However the Emperor didn't budge, and tried to walk down the flight of stairs and at the same time trying to break free from the Queen's grip that was wrapped on his hips.

  "Stop! Olivia! We're going to fall!" He yelled.

   My eyes widened they indeed started to loose balance as the Queen sobbed non stop.

  "Your Majesty!" I quickly screamed to warn them but it looked like their bodies were pulled by gravity, sending them in a risky posture.

  I tried to act impulsively and attempted to grab them to keep them in place and avoid them from falling  but I was too late to even get a grip on either one of them when the Emperor's body body started to collide to edge of the stairs, immediately pulling the Queen along with him due to his weight.

    I saw it . I saw how both bodies rolled on the long flight of stairs and their screams echoing the place. I stood there frozen with my hand unknowingly paused mid-air.

   My knees felt like they were locked to the floor when I saw blood. Seeing these two people unconscious left me in daze and my mind felt like it wasn't my own.

   Suddenly, the sound of servants started to echo down the end of the staircase.

"Dear Lord!"

   "Your Majesty! Help!"

  " ANYBODY SOMEONE HELP US! THE EMPEROR AND THE QUEEN IS HARMED!" the screams earned attention from the people.

   When they turned to look up to where they assumed they fell from which was where I am currently standing.

   They gasped in horror.

  "My lady..." They started to sob in complete terror as the men present in the scene looked at me as if I had committed a grave crime.

  "Lady Amira has committed a grave sin!" The head maid sobbed! I covered my mouth and quickly shook my head.

  "N-No! I-It wasn't me! They fell by themselves!" I tried to explain but even I could tell I sound stupid. I am literally standing on the spot from where they stood a minute ago.

   "Father!" I froze when the familiar voice called out and there stood Gabriella looking at me with mixed emotions. Her eyes were filled with shock and horror.

  "Princess.. believe me, It wasn't me." I tried to run towards her but she took a step back. "Amira, what is this? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" her eyes suddenly pooled with tears and the gazes shifted into anger.

  I couldn't help but feel the stinging sensation in my eyes. " I didn't do anything!"

   "Oh yeah? Then why are they in that state?!" I quickly shook my head and sobbed. "It was an accident because the Queen-"

   "Oh are you going to blame my mother for falling off with the Emperor?! Look, I know you got slapped by my mother but knowing you stooped this low and attempted to murder my family, was something I never expect you'd do."

  "I really didn't do it Your Majesty." I begged her. "Amira... I wanted to trust you but this people lying unconscious on the floor is my father and my mother and people saw you standing there. What do you expect us to think?! You attempt to murder my family Amira. I can't even look at you right now." 

  I tried to chase after her and begged her to give me a chance to explain however she tried to avoid herself from me, which caused the Imperial guards to act on their part and pinned me on the floor. I tried to stand on my feet but was miserably pushed back on the floor with one of the guard's foot.

   "YOUR MAJESTY IT WASN'T ME!" I tried to shout even with the guard's foot pressing on my back, suppressing myself from breathing.

  I'm in trouble... I'm in big trouble...

To be continued.


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