Chapter 28

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Amira's POV

    A rainy day for the last days of spring season. Great. Just great. Moon was not mistaken, just in time for us to get in, the rain fell hard.

   However, there's something about Ivertonean rain pitter-pattering against my floral-stained window. The smell of wet grass invaded my nostrils and it was refreshing but I fear of thunders and lightning so I curled up in a ball and try to sleep the fear off.

  Yet again, a knock invaded me from indulging my personal time.

  "Come in." I cleared my throat and immediately rose from the bed. I don't have anything under other than my long- sleeved white nightgown so I curled my knees inside the dress to cover my almost evident chest.

   To my surprise, Moon was there standing by the door-frame with a furrowed brow.

  "Why don't you come down for dinner." She stated. "I... Was not feeling hungry so.." I trailed and looked away from her.

  "You've been distant lately." I lick my my dry lip anxiously, feeling my heart beating so loudly once again as I felt her presence getting closer, till she sat on the edge of the bed. Still, I look outside  the window admiring the rainy sky.

  "I could say the same to you." I felt like I have no control of my vocal modulation as it felt my voice coming out a little shakily.

I heard her sigh.

  "Amira. I had work even if I was inside the manor." She replied. "But you got time for Miss Solar, yes?" There it was, my tongue slipped along with a tone of frustration coming out of me. I was d*mn pissed.

   She paused to look at me for a second, not until a smirk has spread it's way across her lip.

  "Are you jealous?" I scoffed at her reply. "I am so not jealous, Your Majesty." I wanted to appear as genuine as what I spoke however it almost came out as a sarcastic remark, causing her to grin.

  "Those eyes says otherwise, Amelia darling." I felt like my face is close to burst. I was suppose to be mad at her and probably squeezing her out with questions yet it frustratingly subsided  just by some nickname she came up to fool people.

  I bit my lip, feeling frustrated of the mixed feelings I have suffered.

"You never came to see me." My voice cracked as I look at her with tears unknowingly pooling in my eyes.

   Her eyes softened as she quickly wrapped herself and stroked my head.

"Shh.. I'm sorry... I was just a little busy." She cooed as I cry in embarrassment. I don't know why I'm feeling like I wanted to cling to her all the time. It was cringey and gross  but a huge part of me just wanted to be in her arms so bad.

   After all that, I realized that my attitude towards her all morning was the pettiest yet here she is, patiently talking it out with me.


   The next morning, we decided to have breakfast at the Gazebo by the Imperial pond.

   For some they were still quite asleep leaving me and Marta some time to play around and catching toads while the maids cautiously prepared our breakfast. Marta reminds me so much of my daughter back at home. Someone filled with so much energy that I have a hard time catching up to.

   What's left was to wait for everyone else. I heard Gabriella and Marta couldn't make it home because of the heavy rain last night so they stayed in. Thankfully the sun appeared to shine the next morning allowing us to enjoy the morning breeze while Moon read today's news on the newspaper.

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