Chapter 5

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Amira's POV

"Time is of the essence. You need to show me how bad you can get." she said crossing her arms. My eyes widened. Right now?! We just arrived in one of her private chateux yet she's requesting me to be 'bad'? How?

"Y-You're Highness-"

"Moon." She cut in. "Call me Moon from now on."

"Oh-Okay, Your Highness Moon." I really don't have the guts to eliminate the 'Your Highness' part because obviously, SHE'S PART OF THE IMPERIAL FAMILY.

I'm not even sure if she already knows that I am not a regular citizen of her country. Which means, swords and guns are already pointed at me without me making a move yet.

"I said 'Moon'. Not 'Your Highness Moon', alright?" I quickly nodded my head as she grabbed my arm and dragged me inside the manor. Immediately, we were greeted by maids and butlers working here as they all scurried around and form into a line in each side of the main entrance.

"Forgive us for our shortcomings, Your Imperial Highness. We did not receive any information that you will be coming tonight." The one who looks in her late 60s bowed at her followed by the others. So practically, everyone performed a curtsy. As awkward as it may sound, I feel like I am disrespecting something so I attempted to curtsy as well but Her Highness grabbed my arm and gave me a death glare. I gulped anxiously at the sight and froze on the spot.

"Prepare a bath for.. Your name sweetheart?" she turned to look at me and whispered. Damn, no one ever called me such things before. 10/10 that made my heart a little... tingling.

I cleared my throat. "It's Amira." She squinted her eyes and turned on her heels. "Good. Prepare a warm bath for Amira, she'll be staying in the mansion for awhile. A quick warning for each and everyone, if word comes out she's here. You wont make it out alive, got it? She's an important guest. Make sure her stay is well tended."

My blood ran cold as I turned to glance at her in complete shock. How can her majesty say that so casually?! Won't make it out alive? Why? Is she gonna shoot them? Or.. Or maybe stab them with the sword one of these knight statues are holding?

"Yes, Your Imperial Highness." All the workers replied in unison as we walked upstairs. Seeing them made my throat feel parched. I am not used to crowded people inside the house. To tell you honestly, I always get cold feet every time I visit a friend's house knowing they are a big family.

But let me take a moment to appreciate the house, I could imagine running in a nightgown around the place and I wouldn't care even if I slipped or something. I thought I could only see houses like this on the internet, who knew I could see things like this personally with my own two eyes.

"Right, We discuss what we're gonna do right now. Have a seat Amira." she commanded immediately when we arrived to her study room.

"You're High- I mean Moon.. I'd like to ask some question." I said. She nodded her head. "Go ahead."

"What do you mean by 'to be bad'? Like, being mean?"

"Exactly. Not only that, you have to be bad at high class activities and make it seem like you're not fit to be my partner." she said.

"But.. Why? Why me?"

"Because I am the next in line to the throne. And why you, you may ask? Because father, The Sun of the Empire took a liking on the recent 'fling' I allegedly hooked up with in the race. He assumed that you and I are together even if I tell him otherwise. The crowned Queen as you may know, does not like me and knowing you are involved, she is willing to kill you in your sleep."

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