Chapter 19

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Amira's POV

    "Come, come! Let's celebrate Moon's Accomplishment with a toast!" Solar cheered. I happen to got dragged to a famous bar with them.

   Lucky for us, we got a VIP room to enjoy so we won't get that much attention because of Moon.

  But unlike the others, Moon was somewhat more bothered and her mind was seriously not on this room.

"Solar... A word with you." Moon said and ushered her out indicating she wants to talk privately. I looked at her in confusion till she held up her index finger for me to stay where I am.

  I sighed and only drank my drink.

Still, my lips are tingling. It felt like I was still kissing her till now. Unconsciously, I touched my lips as I watched the others sang their heart out with the mini karaoke on the side.

  I sighed and rubbed my face in frustration. It was supposed to be fake but why... Does my heart seem to approve of what she was doing?

   When Moon and her came back, Solar turned to look at me with all the seriousness. I tilted my head, confused.

  "Moon told me everything, Amira." My eyes widen in surprise and looked at Moon who nodded her head and pressing her lips together.

  "O-Oh.." I honestly do not know what to say.

"W-Well I gotta be honest, it looks real so you don't have to worry getting suspected as fraud." Solar awkwardly chuckled and nervously scratched her neck. I forced a smile at her remark and I silently gripped on my skirt.

  I thought, 'what is being said in the palace stays in the palace'?

  Wait, why am I upset? It is indeed true that this is fake.

"I'm... I'm sorry I kissed you. I am guilty of my actions." My heart sank and my smile faded. Is this why she looks bothered the whole time since we got here? Because she regret greatly that she kissed me?

"I-It's okay. Don't pay too much attention to it." I meekly replied. "It's part of work after all."

  Her right eyebrow rose and she glanced back at me sternly again.

  "W-What?" I asked, unknowingly fidgeting with the tip of my hair, feeling nervous knowing that I never get used to her piercing eyes.

"So if I hook up with you tonight, it's just 'work' for you?" Her tone somewhat sounded like she was irritated or annoyed. Yet her words made my eyes widen and looked at Solar who was smirking at me.

  "I... I..."

"Forget it." She cut me off and drank on her glass of rum and looked away from me with annoyance evident in her eyes.

'What did I do?' I mouthed Solar yet she amusingly shrugged her shoulders. 

"By the way... Where are we going to drop off the monetary prize this time?" I heard Solar asked Moon.

"Drop them to Hyejin's Children Shelter. We'll drop the next to the Iverton Orphanage." She replied and held her hand up to order another drink from the waiter on standby.

  "What do you guys mean? Aren't y'all supposed to split the money or maybe go out for a vacation with the team as a treat?" I asked.

"Nah, we're paid more than enough Amira and the sole reason why we participated in competitions in the first place is to fund the orphanages around the continent." I looked at them, in awestruck. 

  "Why?" I asked.

"It might not look like it but Moon cares for children and the unfortunate. The palace can't always help funding her so she needs to improvise somehow till it's her turn to reign and raced like a mad woman."

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