Chapter 33

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( Warning: 19+)

Amira's POV

    I giggled in amusement as I watched her struggling to keep the blanket from getting blown off by the ocean air. We wanted to have a romantic picnic by the beach and watch the sunset just outside the beach house balcony. I guess I could say that this day would be well spent before we go back to the palace.

   "Do you need help?" I asked. "N-No I'm fine. I just..." I cracked up laughing  when she spread her body apart on the blanket. "Are you just going to lay there till we're done then?"

  "Okay a hand please. I've never prepared a picnic myself before." She sighed in defeat . I jokingly rolled my eyes and took out few rocks and put it on each edge to keep them in place.

  "There." I mumbled and took out the food from the basket. We spent all afternoon making picnic food for the both of us. Who knew preparing for a picnic would be this fun... Especially with her. She's got a skillful sense of humor so it wasn't that boring in making it, I'm impressed.

   "Wow who made this?" She jokingly asked as she took out the clubhouse that she proudly made.

   "A Roooooyal person." I sarcastically replied in a sing-song manner. She rose a brow and smirked. "You got it all wrong, it's the person who made your heart whole." She cheekily replied. I couldn't even deny it so the only thing I could do is roll my eyes.

  "That's quite unfair." I mumbled.

"I think it's quite fair, Amelia darling. I live in your heart while you dwell in my dreams every night." Seeing her smirking at me like this itself is unfair and she doesn't even realize it.

  I don't want to be the clingy type but when it's her, I start to feel like one. Wanting to kiss every now and then and then cuddling non-stop. Those kinds of things....

  But I understand that it's not the right time to be out and proud due to our circumstances.

  "You're in deep thoughts aren't you?" She turned to me and smiled. I'm not sure if it's with concern or not.

  "No, I was just admiring the view." I smiled and continue to look at the sun slowly sinking, as the orange sky turned into shades of purple.

  "Did you enjoy yourself?" She asked so unexpectedly. I turned to look at her and grinned. "A hundred percent."

  Her face had the look of satisfaction looking at me. "I would love to visit here again somehow." 

  She let out a low chuckle, "Me too. This was the first house I bought with all my hard work even before I was a racer." I looked up with confusion.

  "You worked before? Are you joking?" I looked at her in disbelief.

  "I don't sit around and enjoy a luxurious life with expensive things, women and finest things with just a snap of a finger like the Queen consort and my other siblings." My jaw dropped. Wow she's workaholic even when she's young. I was definitely thinking that maybe she probably enjoyed luxurious life in yachts, travelling, and partying.

  "What was your work before?" I curiously asked. She sipped on her juice and had her lips into thin line. Her eyes could tell she's been through a lot.

  "I was the Emperor's secretary when I was still 17 up till I was 23." I gasped at response. She entered in that field that young?!

"How did it feel?" I asked.

  "It was hard. For the first few months, I felt like a failure not meeting His Imperial Majesty's expectations and not getting things right. I thought I knew sh*t about politics and how the heirarchy works. Turns out I was all talk and no actions. I knew I had to change to be able to be good enough... no, the best for my people before my father hands me the crown . I have big plans for this land, Amira. And it will happen when I am confident that I am good enough to manage the Empire. " I leaned my head on my arms as I laid on my stomach and looked at her in pure admiration. I could listen to her plans till dawn.

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