Chapter 37

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Amira's POV

   I'm shivering... There were few leaks on some crack of the stoned wall. Probably because of the drained water from the palace flowing down here. It reeked of different kinds of horrible smell you could ever think of and mosquitos have been feasting on my exposed body parts.

   I've been sneezing eversince the sun went down and my eyes hurt from crying. I've been wondering why Moon was taking so long to come down and help me but I was fortunate enough that the young cadet gave me her uniform jacket. It wasn't much but it was everything to help me cover up my body.

    Men weren't allowed to touch prisoners unless ordered from the Imperial Family.

   Yet I never escaped wild eyes from lustful men. If anything, I am grateful that I am locked inside. Or else I'd be tormented by these men whose in duty of watching over the cell and their minds filled with dangerous intention.

   My lips quivered and my eyes then again started stinging. I want to go home.

   "Hey." I heard someone called out from the other cell, yet my eyes only stayed on the lifeless man who had his body spread against the wall. He's been unconscious since I got here.

  "Hey!" A woman's voice screamed again. Yet I ignored it, assuming she's probably talking to someone else.

  "You! Naked woman with the Soldier's uniform!" I quickly shifted my head to face the person from another cell.

   She was an old lady who looked like in her late 60's. Her brunette locks were a mess as if it haven't been washed for ages and her dress has already turned into something similar to a dirty rug because of the damp floor every night.

  "You, aren't you Her Highness' concubine? Is she abandoning you now ?" She asked. I felt a huge lump in my throat as I felt like I'm choking up. I don't know ... Am I abandoned?

  "N-No... No I'm not." I denied. Honestly, I'm starting to lose hope. I don't know what time it is but I couldn't sleep well.

  "So this is why men are eager to take duty today huh." She muttered to herself.

  "Pardon?" I asked.

"Child, you are a prized possession. How did you end up here?" She asked. I couldn't even look at her straight in the eye. Though her gazes were hard as if she have faced any guesome criminal experiences and overcame it like it was nothing, she was looking at me with genuineness.

   "I was accused of hurting some people from the palace." She sniggered at my reply.

"Are you capable of hurting anybody?" I quickly shook my head in response to her question. I never want to hurt anybody in the first place.

   "You are the closest to the princess, right? The Imperial Princess knows you'd never be the type to hurt anyone, then why are you still here?" She asked and  leaned against the cellar bars.

  "She doesn't know me that much." I meekly replied. It was painful to say that.  Her lips turned into a lopsided grin.

   "You got caught in the Queen's trap, aren't you?" I looked up to meet her gaze and those pair of dark were telling me that she knew more than what I need to know.

  "Who... Are you?"

  "I was once the Queen's puppet. Now that my purpose is worthless, I live the remaining moment of my life paying for the price of the Queen's command... Locked up in the cell."

  "For how long have you been serving her?"

  "Long enough even before she was a Queen." My eyes widened. Hold on... What?!

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