Chapter 8

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 Amira's POV

    The Emperor ruled over 3 continents.  The Southeast, North and The West of Iverton. Both have equally surpassed and contributed the most on economic globalization. Which makes it the top Richest continent in the whole world.  However, Not too long ago people that are not born within the land are simply foreigners that are neglected and barely paid attention to because of the Empress' death. One of the areas under his reign could not give foreigners chances to be doctors, nurses, lawyers or work under the government. Since then, the Emperor was not the nicest person to talk to. He's became more picky and cautiously aware of tradings from foreign countries. Does this has something to do with her late wife's death? No one would know.

  And even me, who was standing right infront of him could confirm it. He looks.... dead. His face were firm as if he had face different gruesome wars before not until he saw Moon, he started to feel alive and grinning. I could easily tell why the Queen hates Moon so much. 

  "I greet the Sun of the Empire, Your Imperial Majesty and My Queen." I curtsied. I froze when his eyes turned to me. "Ah! You must be Lady Amira. Am I correct?" he asked.

 "Yeah, Your Imp-"

 "Yes." The Queen cut in.

 "Huh?" I looked at her confusingly.

 "When answering the Emperor. Do not answer 'Yeah'. It is always 'YES.' Do you get that girl?"  I wasn't even here for 5 minutes and she's already roasting my ass. I looked at Moon as I could see in her eyes the 'I told ya.' look.  I immediately smiled at the queen.

 "Shall my 'no' also be 'naur' My Queen?" I smiled swiftly at her. "Also, It is my great privilege that His Imperial Majesty immediately recognizes me and my name very well." Moon forcing herself not to laugh infront of them was evident enough that her shoulder shook beside me until The Emperor chuckled at my counter attack.

   "A funny young lady I might say, Moon." I did not expect him to even be amused at my rude reply. While the Queen herself look sizzling hot and annoyed already.

 "You dare to make fun of the Queen?" She asked.

 "Oh come on, wife. You're using your title a little too much today. Let's have a seat and have the food served." The emperor replied. I felt like I am not understanding things now. How did that not make the emperor mad?

  When we did took a seat, Just in time the food was being served by butlers and maids. I scratched my head. There's a lot of spoons and forks on this table.

 "I'll just go with whatever is available." I mumbled to myself. Etiquette class who? I'm pretty sure these extra spoons are meant to be used if I might accidentally dropped my spoon to the floor.

 When I did pick one and dug in, the Queen was eyeing me ferociously like I invaded her personal space or something. I slowly drank on the soup as I eyed her back. Even the sight of me drinking the palace soup ticks her off.

  "Miss Amira, Have you not been taught of Royal Etiquette back at home?" she rose a brow. "Pardon, Your Highness?" I asked confusingly. I didn't spit or placed my feet on the table, Did I?

  "You are using a serving spoon as your soup spoon." I looked down on my plate. Aren't all spoons meant to scoop something?

  "How can you invite over an individual who does not have proper dining etiquette, Princess?" the Queen commented. "She did not Invite Amira over Queen, I did." that information itself shut her up.

  "My apologies but I'm really not sure why Her Highness is not pleased seeing me eating, Your Imperial Highness. " Moon's eyes grew wide as saucers at my remark.

  "You got a sly tongue, child." I could feel her blood boiling at the sight of me. "Your Majesty, perhaps it was a mistake inviting such... low class person in a grand banquet tomorrow because as you can see, she is not very much prepared for the occasion. What will the society think of us?" she commented.

 "You're over exaggerating Queen. There's enough space for Amira. It could be the grandest party of her life and besides, does she not resemble our Youngest Marta?" The Emperor replied. I looked at Moon who had the same what-the-f*ck look on our faces.

 "Your Majesty, we shall not compare a grown adult woman to a 12 year old girl. There's no space for anyone as childish as-"

 She immediately was silenced when the Emperor himself slammed his hand on the table, causing all of us to flinch.

  "Please do not be rude to a royal guest, Queen. Think of what people will think of you. You're being rude." the atmosphere suddenly dropped solemnly. Only the subtle clanking of dining utensils were heard.

   I felt like I'm having indigestion. I'm f*cking scared of making a chewing sound, It might annoy the Emperor. In my mind, I was praying that lunch will end quickly. Moon on the other hand was very much eating animatedly.

  I heard the Emperor sigh, "My apologies, my dear. I have not expected that the Queen acts quite irrationally today." both of our eyes widen. Did he just said that in front of the Queen?!

 "O-Oh no, Your Imperial Majesty. It does not bother me at all." I quickly tried to make it seem like this situation isn't as choking as it already is.

"Would it feel better for you to take a stroll out of the garden? It's in full bloom season. You might like it." the Emperor asked. Oh no... This is not what I expect it to happen.

  I could feel the queen sharpening kitchen knife to use it on me soon and Moon did not look satisfied at the situation.

 "Pardon me, father. But we're quite tired from the long trip so it would be best to take a rest instead now." she said as I felt her clenched on her jaws.

 "Sure, sweetheart." Just by the Emperor's approval, she grabbed my arm and out of the dining area.

 She did not look happy. I could feel it through the tight grip on my arm.

When we arrived in her bedroom, she turned to look at me.

 "Why does he sound like he likes you?!" She glared at me with a crossed arm. "I-I don't know! I tried everything I can!"

  "Exactly! But he reacts in an opposite way! If you keep earning the Emperor his favor, You are ready to be guillotined by the Queen. Do more!" she as she shook her head in disappointment.


   "Sh*t..." she cursed as she maasaged her temples.  "Fine... It's still the first day, we got a whole 2 weeks long to work on this. By then, this should be taken care of. Alright?" I quickly nodded my head. Right, I need to focus and thicken my face for this to work. Being subtle isn't enough, I need to work harder.

  I looked at her and sighed.

  "Shall I be... Scandalous.. then?" I'm a little embarrassed asking but her eyes glinted as if she's got a bright idea.

  "Yes... Yes! Scandalous!" she exclaimed and looked at me.

 "We are so on tomorrow, Amira." she smirked. Even the way she smirked could tell me I need to put a seatbelt on.


to be continued...


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