Chapter 13

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Amira's POV

   I almost choked on my food and look at Her Majesty Moon in complete disbelief.

 "M-Me?! Participating in a Concubine Line Up?!" I covered my mouth.

 "Mhm.." she replied and tenuously played on her food with such firm expression. I tried to find any ounce of humor in her face but, girl.... she's dead serious.

 "I don't know how does a Concubine Line Up works.. This.. Was not part of our orientation, Your Highness." I nervously chuckled. "Yes... But I change my mind. We'll be staying here for a little more time and prepare for the examination next week-"

 "Next Week?! Your Majesty, That's like... 5 days away!" I gasped. "I know. Which is why we start today. People have been saying horrible things about you. I do not tolerate such things. Especially now that the unreasonable word from the nobles has caught the Emperor's attention."

  "But Your Highness... Isn't this the main point of why I'm here? To make people hate me and make the Emperor think that I'm no match for you?" I saw how her jaw clenched and looked at me dead in the eye.

 "And now you think I'd let you leave this country as the Imperial family's clown? With what my sister did, I assume were all laughable enough to the society. An incompetent partner under your name is not what I want to hear. He was not angry at you, he pitied you for withstanding the horrendous atmosphere of people not wanting you to be in the same room as them." she spoke. 

 I looked down on my feet. She's right. No matter how I dress lavishly, if I don't know how to carry elegance and arrogance together, I'm still stuck on the floor enough for people to look down on and laugh at. We need to improvise somehow.

  I came here not to let my pride as a human being be crushed easily like dead leaves. I need to do better than just the mere idea of showing how horrible I am at carrying myself.

  "Charlotte?" I heard her call out to one of the maids. The young familiar girl walked right in front with pink cheeks when she glanced up to meet us. I knew it was the same girl from last night, with the same thought she had in mind I suddenly felt embarrassed.

  "Contact Hyejin, The Etiquette tutor this instant. I request for her presence at noon. I don't care where she is right now. She needs to get here today. 1 pm sharp, understand?" she demanded.

 "Will do as requested, Your Imperial Highness." she curtsied and glanced back at me with the same flushed cheeks. I subtly covered my face in embarrassment.

 "Just why is that young girl suddenly meek today? She's usually bubbly." she commented and touched her chin as if figuring out what's the change of behavior. I gulped and awkwardly look at her.

 "Your highness.. Its most probably because of.. my stunt.. last night before you came home...from the race." she turned to look at me with furrowed brows and tilting her head.

 "What about it- oh..."her perplexed look instantly dropped into an awkward flustered look as she looked down and quickly turned away from me realizing that I was referring to my make-believe sexy time with her Highness to buy her some time but only to backlash when she came home almost thinking that I, a grown woman laying naked, asking to spend some time with her to warm up the bed. I could not ask Her Majesty that, I mean I couldn't imagine!

 "So that's... what it was about.." she mumbled under her breath while awkwardly looking away only for me to notice the red tint evident on her ear.


 I gulped in fear when I looked at the Etiquette instructor. She's young, beautiful and scary as h*ll!

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