Chapter 20

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Amira's POV

      The examination ended by noontime. I feel so drained by the time it was over knowing I went in there with no food in my stomach and a tired body but I'm happy I could munch  in between the examination because of the table etiquette examination.

  I had to refrain myself from pigging out or else I'd be eliminated if my hunger takes over my head and forgetting my lessons with Hyejin then f*ck up.

  "Hiiii!!" Someone jumped infront of me from the bush, causing me to  stumble back to the concrete ground.

  "Oh did I scare you?" She asked while tucking in her dark brown hair behind her ear. Her dimples showing when she smiled at me. Seriously, how can a pair of cheeks look super soft and.. well.. mushy! I'm tempted to touch them.

   "You just startled me a little. It's alright." I replied and composed myself by sweeping the dirt off my skirt before turning to her.

  "I'm Marta." She grinned. "Oh... I'm Amira, Your Highness. How do you do?" I bowed at her. She's probably Moon's sister because I've had a lesson about her with Hyejin and the Family Tree for the examination.

  "Are you my sister's lover?" Her words shooted right through my chest.

  "I-I... Yes?" I unsurely replied. Is this even a safe response? I don't know!

  "Can you go on a picnic with me? Moon is a little busy, I can't disturb her." She pouted as she endearingly swing my arm as if she's trying persuade me. I know for sure, with those puppy eyes, I could not resist. No one could actually turn down this Royal cuteness.

  "Alright... Shall I ask for maids to pack-"

  "MARTA!" I heard someone calling out to her and when she heard her name being called, she quickly ran behind me and covered herself.

  I shifted my head to follow where the calling came from, only to notice the familiar blonde haired man from the last ball I went to. I could not be mistaken, it's him.

  "Oh, what do we have here." His serious facial expression turned into an amused one as his lips turned into a lopsided grin.

    Marta seems to not like his brother's company because she was hiding away from him. I placed my hand on her as I did my best to have her stay behind me knowing he scares the sh*t out of me too.

  "The title-less concubine participant... Or should I say, Moon's doll." I pressed my lips together trying to refrain myself from spitting his gorgeous yet trashy face.

  "I see my sister Marta fancies you too! It would be nice if she does the same to me too. Did you lure her with candy like how you did to Moon?" He smirked and stepped a little too close to me. I could not step back because of the child behind me. I have to get her out of here. She's already trembling seeing her brother.

   "That's nice of you to think of me as the person who carries candies instead of knives, Sir Abbas." I tried to sound proud and unfazed despite having wobbly legs.

  "Oh really? Carrying a knife could harm yourself... Or worse, an Imperial Family." I scoffed. As if I'd acknowledge him as a royal. I only respect him because he is the son of the Queen.

   I squealed in horror when he dragged me by my arm and wrap himself on me. "Why don't I inspect it myself, shall we?" He whispered on my ear as I struggled to get out of his grip by pushing myself out of him.

  "Sir! This is assault! Hands off me!" I exclaimed while pushing his chest away.

  "You know, if you were mine you wouldn't have to act like Her Majesty's human doll doing stuff as she says. You'd be my Queen. I could do more than what she can offer. A child, maybe? I do fancy your spirit though." I felt the need to puke. Like h*ll would I let myself have anything to do with him or let him touch me!

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