Chapter 14

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Amira's POV

     We practiced table etiquette this morning and I must say, Miss did not even take at least 15 minute break from having me sit comfortably. But I'd rather this than that corset incident this early in the morning.

  "Suck it in now, Madam. We're almost there." One of the young adult maid said as she pulled the strings, causing the thing around my stomach to tighten even more than it was before.

   "I-I'm trying!" I wailed as I grabbed on the nearest vanity chair for dear life as Moon looked at me with crossed arms.

  "You're majesty, this is torture!" I moaned in pain. I'm on the brink of crying. I was sure they're doing it wrong! My corset in my high school play when I portrayed Juliet from Romeo and Juliet did not need pulling strings but this is.... This can suck your soul out of your body! She sighed and shook her head.

  "Careful girls, the lady has a frail body figure." Moons brow furrowed and grabbed the corset strings from their hands. 

  "I'll do it." She said. I sighed, there goes our Imperial Majesty my ultimate savior from this horrendous torture device called corset.

"Hold on, love. This won't hurt too much." She said and proceed to pat on my head. "You've done well." I felt like a little kitty being praised, for heavens sake! I am not a teenager with mommy issues but her praises do make one fold.

  "I'll be careful so hold still, alright?"

"Thank you your-AGHK!" I yelped when she placed her foot on my back and pulled the corset strings up in one swift movement, that this thing is almost popping me in half!

  "M-Moon I can't breathe!"

"Hold still! It wouldn't hurt as much if you hold still!" She said and squeezed out the remaining oxygen left I have in my body.

"Careful you're majesty, her body is small as it is!" The maid said as she looked at me concerned.
   "She's alright as long as she holds still." She said as she pulled the string tighter.

  "You're majesty, I'm seeing stars." I responded as I felt the familiar dizziness and sparkling things covering my eyes as colors around me started to look a little different than how it was few minutes ago.

"She's fine, she's fi-"

  "Lady Amira!" The maid screamed before I blacked out.


  That was a horrid experience. Shivers ran up to my spine. I hope I can ask the lady's maids to do my corset only when Her Highness is not around. The trauma was still there.

  "Come now Miss, we're not finished for the table etiquette yet but your mind has already wandered off somewhere." Miss Hyejin replied.

"I'm sorry, I... Just had a rough morning you see." I bowed my head in apology.

"It's alright My Lady. I heard you fainted in your corset and I was advice by Her Imperial Highness to take it easy on you today." I looked up to meet her eyes. Her Majesty...said that?

"It would be best to give you half the day to rest well before we proceed on the dance practice tomorrow, okay?" I smiled upon hearing such great news!

  "Thank you so much Miss!" I said as she finally dismissed me.

  I allowed myself to walk around the Palace grounds. At least I'm allowed to do that.

  It's a sunny afternoon which means it's a great time to go around the Palace garden. No not the indoor ones, I heard they have a spacious garden perfect place for a picnic.

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