Chapter 36

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Amira's POV

   And suddenly, I was taken away from their sight and found myself in the palace dungeon.

   I was dragged here, people from the palace court saw it as I screamed and pleaded to let me explain. The palace guards were merciless as they kicked my back to shove me in my own cell along with a boney criminal with his wrists wrapped against the wall with major cuts on his legs and flies were getting into his skin. I don't even know if he's still alive or not.

   It's okay.. it's okay. Calm down. If Moon comes down here asks me what happened, I will tell the honest truth.

  The place reeked of criminal's blood. The foul smell of the palace prison made me vomit in my own cell. My sobs echoed through the dark place as I tried to wipe the vomit off my mouth. 

  I feared this day would come yet here I am.

   Suddenly, I was grabbed by my collar by some sort of Security Chief and slammed me against the bars. I winced when my head left a loud sound when it collided with the metal bars.

   "You dare commit treason to the Imperial Family." He said with pure fury seeping in his eyes. My legs wobbled with fear and I couldn't even form any word in my mouth because of the aching pain. The way he grabbed me felt like he was meant to do that to make me suffer and suffocate me against the metal bars.

  I felt like in any moment, it's going to leave a bruise soon.

  "It would be best to admit it now and your pain would be cut short." I quickly shook my head as I tried to leave out of his grip.

  "I didn't do it." I pleaded with tears pooling down my cheeks.

   Without warning, he loosen the grip on my collar and once again, slammed me against the metal bars. I yelped in pain as I felt like my ribs cracked due to the impact.

   "Strip her clothes away and let her freeze."

  "No.. no... No..." I quickly shook my head and grabbed his arm. "Please have mercy on me." I sobbed.

  "Now, cadet," a woman in her late 20s approached me as the Chief slammed the door shut, causing us to flinch. My cries louden when she opened the cellar.

  I quickly backed away and pushed myself in the corner with my arms crossed on my chest.

   Men present in the cell were looking at us with utmost entertainment.

  "I'm sorry..." She trembled and it looked like she was on the brink of crying. "I don't want to do this to you but..."

   I screamed when she ripped my dress off. Earning hollers from the men.

  "Now that's what I want to see." One chuckled.

Please kill me instead..

  I can not take the humiliation and the eyes burning holes right through my body. 

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She whispered and wrapped me in her arms as I cried my heart out. I don't want her to leave. I want her frame to protect my nakedness away from the unwanted stares.

   "Please don't leave me." I begged as I wrapped myself on the young cadet's body.




Moon's POV

     A knocked erupted me from my busy work.

  "Come in." I said, in which a door was being pushed open with little to no mercy. I rose my head and saw Gabriella huffing and puffing with tears streaming down her cheeks.

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