Chapter 22

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Amira's POV

I earned up enough courage to stride back through the halls with the lady's maids after my afternoon walk. I could not keep them in my room and they insisted to come with me because of what happened the other day.

"We were only allowed to have two yet she has five?"

"Right? This is unacceptable. This competition is indeed biased. Oh even though I had to kiss Her Majesty's feet or attempt to warm her bed, I know this wench will win this line up anyway." I bit my lower lip to stop myself from impulsively doing something I'd possibly get in trouble later.

"Why not pack our bags and go home since this good for nothing rug who happen to cheat her way through here has returned from her sweet-sweet walk."

"I bet I can woo Her Ladyship if I'd be given the chance."

"Oh my, how naughty of you Marchioness."

"I heard she's a witch." I heard one say followed by their humorous chuckle.

"Oh my! That explains why she looks dull and suspicious. She deserves to be burnt alive."

"Hold on, you can't say something like that to our lady!" The youngest maid who served me suddenly exclaimed causing me to look at her in surprise. I turned to the person who was talking about us. Not that I was surprised but it was one of the people who threw a whole bucket of water at me the other day.

I know I can't do anything that might get me in trouble as a candidate. I have hide and refrain my urges to use my uncontrollable temper against them since then. Everyone here already hates me, it would be easy for them to have me reported without proper context of what was really going on.

I mean, no one sides with me other than my maids who are already my companion. Yet, even if they testify something, the administrators and hosts would only think my maids are biased. Therefore being passive is the only safe move I could do as of now.

"Maya, I am alright. Please calm down." I tried to smile the fury away and turned to the lady instead. If I remember correctly she is the daughter of one of the Marquess in the land of Dendivon. A land under Iverton.

"I apologize for my maid's behavior. She's still young." I respectfully curtsied at her with a low tone. A mocking smirk formed almost immediately on her lips.

"Right. I'm glad that you know your low place." Her friends suddenly chirped in and laughed with the others .

"Next time, Teach your dogs how to behave or else they might want to have you for dinner-"

The stinging sensation on her cheek was the same sensation I felt with my hand.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry. I just needed to stretch my arm for a bit." I smiled innocently. D*mn right, I slapped the sh*t out of her. Now look at her stumbling back like she just got hit by John Cena.

"Lady Harriet, are you alright?" Her servants came running towards her.

She looked at me with pure disbelief and fury. Her friends immediately looked at me with fear.

She can spread baseless rumors about me but they should leave my maids out of it.

"My lady, are you alright?" I asked sweetly and extended my hand to help her get up.

"How... dare you!" She screamed.

I looked around the area and pointed myself with an act of confusion written on my face.

"Me?" I scoffed.

"Tell the Administrators that Lady Amira has committed violence against Lady Harriet inside the Annex right now!" She demanded.

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