Chapter 26

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Moon's POV

She was a little hot when we reached to my bedchamber. The maids need to take care of her and I have called on the palace doctor to diagnose her.

Seems like she worked extra time to practice the ritual way more than the other participants which resulted to her stressed and her body giving out to the pressure.

I shook my head disapprovingly. Out of all Hyejin had to miss reporting me that part. I didn't know she's pushing herself too hard. Who even allowed her to not get enough sleep?

I shook my head once more, still dazed at what just happened. She's really something and she's been getting a little stubborn too. Atleast now she's been treated and resting.

"You've been around for quite sometime yet I haven't received any report since you got here. Did you pick on anything?" I asked as I crossed my leg, waiting for her to report to me what happened.

"My apologies, Your Highness. I have to lay low and blend in with the participants to avoid unwanted attention that's why it took some time for me to report things to you." I curtly nodded my head and crossed my arms.

"Well then, proceed."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Firstly, I have picked on a child named Riley." My brows furrowed upon the Countess' remark. Riley? That name... Sounds a little familiar.

Suddenly, I realized that it was Amira who called out to that name when she was drunk.

Could it be...?

"How old is she?" I asked, trying to make sure. I could clearly remember she mumbled something like 'Riley baby.' in her sleep.

" I can not confirm the age yet Your Imperial Highness but here's the picture." My face softened seeing a beautiful little girl embracing Amira and with such simple evidence in my hand, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. She is indeed with a child. For some reason, staring at the two of them melted my heart. They are so identical and... Beautiful.

"Are you okay Your Majesty?" Countess Catherine suddenly asked. "H-Huh?"

"You pretty much zoned out for a moment."

"No, I just... Had a few drinks at the banquet, I'm just about to start feeling sleepy." I tried to reason out my behavior.

"Shall we continue tomorrow then?"

"No, we continue now. It's the remaining participants 3 day off. I can't rob your vacation time and I need to depart back to my manor before the sun rises." I said and waved my hand. I was initially planning to take back Amira to my house. I figured that living in the palace might've been a little too suffocating for her. Whereas in the mansion back in the countryside, she could have a little breathe of fresh air before the final line Up.

I know she needed it more than I do.

"Alright, Your Highness." Countess slowly nodded her head and flipped unto the page she made for her report.

"Also, I did what you asked me to do and here's what I found. Just tonight, I discovered the Queen entering the annex." My brows furrowed, what for?

"It led me to conclude that she have met one of the administrators there. I did some digging and found out about the person behind the Lady's mistreatment." I shifted my eyes to look at her.

"Mistreatment?" I repeated. She was mistreated all along? I thought the whole bucket of water issue was because of clashing personalities between the nobles' and Amira's fiery personality.

In the end, perhaps she was indeed facing discrimination inside the Annex without me knowing.

"Yes, the Queen intended not to give Lady Amira any servant to tend to her needs and payed a sum to one of the admins not to include Amira for the second lineup."

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