Chapter 3

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Amira's POV

   This is so embarrassing, This is so f*cking embarrassing!

I feel like I'm going crazy. Phasing back and forth in Quinn's livingroom like this is the only thing I could do.

It was her! I can not be mistaken! IT WAS THE GIRL I ENCOUNTERED IN THE WAITING ROOM! She's not just any girl but a very famous person at that.

Oh no people,  She's literally on T

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Oh no people,  She's literally on T.V right now PRESENTED AS THE BIG GOSSIP OF THE WEEK and everyone's already feasting on her looks including my friend.

  WHAT'S MORE SHOCKING IS SHE IS THE ONE AND ONLY GHOST RIDER NO. 10! I can't even paint my face right now,  she's just immaculate looking and hot but those looks didn't do any help with the embarrassment I felt to myself since yesterday.

  I got in and lavishly peed in her private space like an untrained dog! Lord, how will I cope up with this and live on to that shameful secret? 

 "See?! I knew Ghost Rider was a girl!" Quinn exclaimed while hitting my arm repeatedly.

  "And a very gorgeously handsome creation of God too." she wiggled her eyebrows. Girl, I don't even know but I felt like if I tell you what happened back there yesterday, it would be the talk of the century as the most embarrassing encounter I have put myself into.

 "The notorious 'Ghost Rider' happen to already have been growing up with diamond spoon on her mouth under the wing of the Sun of Our Empire. All lead to the discoveries of her as one of the controversial child of His Imperial Majesty of Iverton."

 My eyes widened and it felt like my blood ran cold as I froze on my spot.

Oh no... Oh no.. This is bad.

  So that's why she was called 'Her Highness' back there, it's all because she is one! I can not believe I was in the same room as a Royalty and heaven only knows, I would've been executed for making her angry and not to mention accidentally invading her private space!

 No, I need to calm down and collect myself.

So first, Racer number 10, is a girl who is of ROYAL breed- I mean blood. No wonder the waiting room looks 100x more expensive looking than Liam's. I mean, Of coarse who in their right mind would give someone from the Royal family a waiting room with clogged up toilet?!

  Second, If she is a royal then WHY WERE THERE NO GUARDS ON THE LOOK OUT OUTSIDE AND WHATNOT?! It was so easy for me to be able to get in and If I were someone bad, I'd probably be able to harm the Princess..Her Grace.. Er.. I don't know how to address her okay?! And thirdly I saw the Imperial Street Parade at least once since I got here but I never saw her face! EVER!

  "Woah, that is some major plot twist. You can expect some edits of her on social media soon. You know, the slowmo thing kids use nowadays to make this faceless person seem more attracted. Bet my car on it." Quinn chuckled, invested on the juiciest gossip. I shook my head.

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