Chapter 32

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Amira's POV

We took all morning touring the small province down to the country side and somehow, we manage to reach to a certain simple and peaceful beach . The sea breeze made me inhale in pure satisfaction and sighed.

I've never thought that Ivertonean countryside is the best view anyone could ever have. For years that I've been living here and working, I somehow gotten used to the capital where there lie unique and crazy buildings and rushing people around the place, most in a hurry for work. However in here, it was peaceful. No busy streetlights, sounds of honking cars, outside city noises or whatsoever.

We've encountered numerous fields of pretty plants and flowers but I never thought that the ocean view was the best sight to see because it's been so long since I've been to the beach before.

"Do you like the view?" She asked. I was practically gawking and absentmindedly nodded my head. "Let's go to that beach house over there." She said as she pointed out a certain beach house just at the cliff top.

Even though in dazed mind, she took my hand and allowed her to drag me there. When we reached there, she took out a certain key from her pocket and unlocked it. My eyes widened in surprise.

"This beach house is yours?!" She smirked when she heard me.

"I wouldn't bring you here if it isn't." She chuckled. "I would almost believe that the beach infront of us is yours as well." I joked and chuckled humorously.

"You're quite witty. How did you know it's also mine?" My jaw dropped to the floor and looked at her in disbelief. THIS PROPERTY IS ALSO HER'S?! THIS BIG OCEAN VIEW?!

"Is there something you can't buy?" I shook my head in amazement. I think everything I could point is her's.

"You." She leaned on the glass window and her eyes remained fixated on me with a sly smirk plastered over her lips.

I squinted my eyes as I fought the urge to smile, "You can name any price Your Majesty. You're a Royal so you can buy almost anything."

"I'm not that pushy, unless..." I watched how she travelled her eyes down to my lip as she slowly bit on her lower lip to stop herself from smirking. "Are you trying to seduce me?" I innocently asked.

She shrugged and walked towards me before trapping me again in her arms. Her gazes were as intense as it already is yet her warmth balanced my body.

"Is it working?" She smirked and pulled me closer, causing our noses with little to no spaces left till they touched.

"How will you know you can't buy me with money when you wouldn't even try." She rose a brow and tilted her head.

"Still, I won't. Because you're not for sale. If you were in the market, I would be the first in line so no one else can have you." I giggled upon her witty response and shook my head in amusement.

"How much are you willing to spend for people like me, Moon?"

"More than imagine, sweetheart." She whispered in my ear as she swayed my hips with her hand.

"Hear that?" She asked. I titled my head in confusion. "Hear what, Your Majesty?" I asked.

Suddenly, she placed my head on her chest and I immediately heard the steady beating of her heart. It sounded like a song to me.

"I heard that when your heart beats crazily for that person everytime whenever they're near, that person might not be the one for you. But if your heart beats in a relaxed and steady phase, then this person is the right one for you."

 Cars Over Crowns 101 (A MAMAMOO Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now