Chapter 27

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Amira's POV

      I constantly asked myself for how long am I suppose to sneakingly tail Moon around this ginormous mansion. Well firstly, a maid was ordered to tell me to rest up in the room for the whole time. The thing is, I don't want to. I want to see her so bad so I snuck out.

   Since the time we arrived, she's literally out of my sight and I can't stand another day without seeing her face. She never joined meals with me since we got here and when I ask for her, I always get the same excuse like 'Her Majesty is quite busy. She'll be here to visit when she's free.'

   If she keeps hiding from me like this purposely, I might as well hunt her myself yet here I am sneaking around and following her around the house.

  It came to a point that I peaked through the halls, only to find Miss Solar. For those who didn't remember her, she was Moon's manager.

   Yet she's here, smooching on the princess' cheeks. My brows instantly furrowed seeing such view.

  "Aight, little f*cker I'll stop. Don't forget about the deal. I'll be in your room tonight. Don't forget." My eyes widened overhearing Miss Solar's remark. I covered my mouth in surprise.

   What are they going to do tonight?! Why is she kissing the Princess' cheeks like that and the Princess isn't even resisting! No, no calm down... It's probably just a misunderstanding or what.

  "You got to be there when no one is awake and I better like what I see."



  After confessing to me she's just going to hang around with her manager... Er...  Friend. Oh Lord, Is Her Majesty ovulating?! What on earth am I thinking!

   But... She said she likes me! I thought she's busy that's why she wasn't coming to see me in my room and here I just found out that she's gonna get down and dirty tonight and wouldn't spare to think of visiting my room.

My lips quivered as I stop myself from crying. No, why am I even crying when I didn't even try to apologize to Moon for misunderstanding her. Of coarse she would find someone else for accidentally rejecting her!

  "Seems like I have found the midget who snuck out from her room first." All the hair from my body literally stood when I heard the familiar husky voice from the other side of the  corner where I was hiding. HOW DID THIS PERSON FIND ME AND GET HERE SO FAST?!

  I looked up only for her to find a pair of eyes glaring down at me. Now why is she even glaring at me for?! I should be the one who is mad! She's about to sleep with her manager after confessing to me!

  "Hmp!" I held my head up high and marched away from her but was immediately pulled back and was practically imprisoned under her arms. That d*mn smell again. Her scent always smell like a magic potion. I need it.

   "Now where is my little midget off to again?" She rose a brow and glared down at me. I crossed my arms and looked away.

  "None of Her Majesty's concerns." I replied with attitude. "Talking to me like that would get you in trouble , young lady." She replied threateningly, almost mockingly as if challenging me. I felt my toes curl inside my shoes as I watched her eyes shifted down to my lips and up to my eyes. She does looks like she's gonna devour me whole and not sparing any bone to send to my family.

I gulped, "I... I'm bored... And I'm hungry." Her brows knitted together and her head tilted in confusion.

  "Why are you not using you maids to get you food then?" She asked. "Because I want to go out. It's suffocating inside." I replied.

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