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Moon's POV

I didn't bother staying long in the banquet. I didn't feel like celebrating either. I heard devastating news from Amira and as soon as I found out about it, I came home to confirm it.

I dropped on my knees and saw an empty cell.

Amira... She's gone.

I watched the Imperial guard dozed off on his f*cking duty.

"Where are the prisoners." I spoke slowly, trying not to sound angry. When he groaned and opened his eyes, it immediately mirrored a look of surprise and he started to look at me with a horrified expression.

"Y-Your Majesty, I greet t-the sun of the Empire." The guard suddenly stood up from her sleeping estate.

"The young woman. Detained days ago. Where.Is.She?" I seethed and grabbed his collar. My blood immediately rose up my head when he only looked at me with no words coming out of his mouth.

"WHERE THE F*CK IS AMIRA, YOU F*CKING BASTARD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and banged his body against the cell.

"Y-You're Majesty, the chief was ordered to-to relocate them in the isolation for this afternoon's execution by the Queen."

"F*ck!" I screamed.

"F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!" I growled in anger and stride my way to have a talk with that lousy b*tch.

As I walked back on the main entrance, our head butler came to me with sweat covering his forehead.

"The late Emperor has awoken, You're Imperial Highness." My mind immediately went blank hearing the news and raced down the palace lounge and scurried up to my father's chamber earning confusion glances and concern written all over the guards and maids' faces .

When I opened the door, my legs wobbled seeing my one and only father sitting up with bandages and a bandaged leg and not to mention a wrapped up left arm.

"My child." He turned and looked at me with surprise seeing me home early.

"Are you alright? I heard the coronation was toda-" he stopped when I ran to go hug him. It felt surreal.

He's alive , He's really alive.

"Father..." My shoulder shook as my tears began to flow non stop.

"Awe, my Moon. Why are you crying?" He asked endearingly.

"I-I'm just happy you're awake." I sobbed. It's been h*ll without him around. I couldn't even sleep a wink worrying about two people all at once.

"I hope I'm not too late to watch the Final Line Up, darling. I'd love to see you hand picking the woman yourself. I'm pretty sure that girl Amira... that girl can be a bit flawed but her strength and personality outshined any candidate." He chuckled.

I bit my lower lip and looked down to the floor in shame.

"She's.... Detained." His eyes held a shocked look on his face. What for? Everyone thinks she pushed you down the stairs.

"My word, why?!"

"The Queen said she pushed the both of you down the stairs."

"What?! I may be concussed but I do not remember getting pushed down the stairs. Darling, Oli and I had an argument and I tripped my own foot because the Queen was holding me on the hip. It was an accident." My blood ran cold.

"A-Are you sure?" I asked.

"Dead sure, child." He confirmed. So that means... Amira was set up the whole time and I was one of those who wronged her.

 Cars Over Crowns 101 (A MAMAMOO Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now