Chapter 23

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Moon's POV

      We all prepared for this night to come. Tonight is the night for the Festival of the season and all the participants are getting ready with their make up, hair and clothes in the Annex.

  As for them to make an entrance, they have to perform to start festival. If I was not mistaken her group prepared the Iverton traditional flower dance.

     Everyone, noble and non-noble have already found their places outside the garden by the pond as they awaited for the celebration to start .

   "Father." I curtsied at him as he slightly nodded his head and sat on the throne where we get the best view of the platform at the center.

  "I'm sorry for making you angry, father." I bit my lip and had my head hung low. It's difficult not being able to talk to him. He's been quite busy lately and barely attends meal time with his children.

  "It's alright. I'm sorry too child." He held a tight smile and kissed my forehead. "I was going to apologize to you first but you beat me to it." I chuckled at his response. I know he wouldn't if I didn't apologize first. He is as prideful as me and he won't admit to his mistakes till I do so first.

We sat comfortably with my siblings on their respective seats and Marta insisted to sit on my lap for unknown reason. It's not like she doesn't do this. She's quite clingy that I've gotten used to it.

  The Queen sat with the Emperor on the other side and eyed at me. I rose a brow at her but instead of her usual annoyed look, she smirked at me a little too mockingly and flipped her head away from me.

   I rolled my eyes and looked straight on the platform and waited for the ritual to start before the party happens.

  (This is the setting~)

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  (This is the setting~)

  The sound of drum and tambourines susddenly filled our ears. The familiar ethnical music filling my ears and it was then that maidens have started the ritual. I looked at my pocket watch and it was indeed the time for the festival to start.

  This dance performance is a very important event of the decade because it is a ritual to celebrate and praise the gods that have made our land fruitful.

Each group has their designated role in the spring dance ritual.

There's sunrise dance— to celebrate another bright new day and it symbolizes hope. As what Ivertonean believes for generations, 'As long as there's another crack of dawn, there's still hope.'

The night dance—to celebrate the calm of night after the sleepless war that has made majority of Iverton's lands fall into ruins 5 years before the famine started.

The water dance— to value and express gratitude for the holy rain that has helped the land from famine and hunger about 50 centuries ago. It showered rain for about 3 days each week at that time till the plants started to spurt from the grounds.

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