Chapter 18

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Amira's POV

I am shocked.

She literally drove like her rent is due today. I don't even think she's worried whether she'll make it out alive with how her car zooms and drifts. It literally stopped my heart.

Even Liam who has been a fastest racer that I know has been overpowered by her like she's not afraid of dying. It was as if she had a very good reason to ride like it's her do or die.

I think I've recited every prayer I know and performed a f*cking ritual in my head just so nothing bad would happen to her in the process. My heart is literally burning with anxiety.

She didn't have the need to win everytime since she has all the money, fame and everything yet I could feel the determination radiating off of her as she do her best to get in first place.

She's a passionate person on the track but I never ever heard her talk about cars and racing stuff inside the palace even when it's just the two of us.

Stuff like that just give me a sense of missing puzzle piece that I needed to put together. My throat felt dry seeing her drive in a brutal phase.

"She won!! SHE WON!" Quinn screamed and hugged me while I was in daze. It then clicked and was pulled back to reality when people cheered and celebrated her winning.

I smiled and held my two thumbs up in the air, feeling proud of her accomplishment.

When she went out of the car, she had a big grin on her face. I let out a big breath feeling like needles have finally been pricked out of my body and was immediately replace with pure excitement for her.

  She ran towards me who was seating on the front to my surprise, she wrapped herself around me. I'm purely excited she finished first place that I unknowingly hugged her back and jumped up and down like a child.



  I'm sure there's something wrong with the air today. The Ghost Rider who is known not to take the Trophy and prize with her own two hands, is standing on the stage taking it. I shook my head in disbelief. Even Miss Solar looked at Moon like she doesn't know her.

  "She is literally possessed by another spirit. This is once in a lifetime thing. I gotta film this." She muttered with an amusing smirk plastered on her lip and pulled out her phone.

  Camera flashing sounds literally went crazy that it went on for half a minute. The duration wherein she took the Trophy and shook hands with the person who handed her it.

  Even the person who I assume was the one holding the event didn't know how to act as he was contemplating whether he should curtsy or shake her hand.

  "It is an honor for you to join our humble competition, Your Majesty. I am your fan." I heard him speak as he put his hand on his chest and his eyes showing an awestruck look.

  "Thank you , Sir." She smiled and went to the little platform along with the bronze medalists and silver medalists who won second and third place.

   For now, they have let the photographers photograph them not until people working for the media started throwing questions at them so it somehow turned into a press conference.

  I now understand why Moon doesn't like to take the Trophy herself because she knows she's gonna be at the center of attention just like right now and by the looks of it, the media never gave the other racers the time to even get the proper recognition they deserve to the public.

  "Your Majesty, do you think the Imperial Family favors your current lover?"

  "The line up is beyond my control as it is a family custom under the court of law therefore the favors shall only be implemented based on the participant's performance all in all."

 Cars Over Crowns 101 (A MAMAMOO Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now