Chapter 17

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Amira's POV

     I looked outside the car in complete shock. People with cameras were already anticipating for them to open Moon's van.

  "Sh*t." Solar cursed as she looked around for another way in.

"Did someone leak information about  our route in?" She asked. People inside look at each other as if either accusing each other with their eyes or avoiding her question.

  "No one Manager." One replied.

"Then how the f*ck are we supposed to get inside?!" I flinched when she screamed.

"Do something! Find a way right now!" People inside started rummaging in their bag to get their phones and blaming each other while Moon remain on the same laying position and sleeping beside me. Her brows started furrowing in her sleep.

  "G-Guys, I think we should calm down and-"

  "No, you don't understand what's going on. Moon hates noises like those outside and it might be harder for us to come in and out peacefully now that these f*ckers are here. " Solar replied. I looked down in shame, I guess she has a point and it was probably wrong of me to butt in when I could not do anything either.

  "Sorry." I meekly apologized.

" You! Contact security right now! We won't have any other choice but to come out sooner or later. At least have the security ready." Solar ordered one crew.

  I jumped in surprise when Moon suddenly sat up with creased forehead.

  "I could hear your voices through the music! What the f*ck is going on?!" She yelled and took off her buds.

  "Someone leaked information about our route so there's people buzzing and waiting for you outside." Solar replied.

    Moon took a deep breath and looked at me. Is she suddenly regretting that she brought me? Not meaning to overthink but I suddenly feel like I shouldn't even be here in the first place.

  "I-I can stay in the van so we won't have to catch any unwanted speculation." I suggested.

  Her brows furrowed and grab my hand. "No, you're coming out with me."

   Our eyes grew wide as saucers when she unbuckled her seatbelt and rose from her seat.

  "Sh-She's coming with us? Are you sure?"

  "Are you questioning my decision?" She rose a brow challengingly. I gulped at her response. She looks angry and scary.

"No other question? Great, Move out. Now."

  "W-Wait, NOW?! WE'RE COMING OUT NOW?!" Solar screamed in disbelief.

  "What, are we suppose to stay here the whole night?" She asked.

"But you're not supposed to show your face... and... and bringing me might stir up an issue since I'm one of the concubine lineup participant." I quickly slandered her idea. I could imagine the unwanted issue she has to face if news about this comes out.

  "And you think I'm scared?" She looked at me coldly and raised a brow. All our mouths literally dropped to the floor. 

  "N-No but-"

"Stop worrying about what others think just for today. We have no time, let's go." She said and pushed the door open with my hand holding tightly unto hers. She's unhinged!

  Her fans screamed louder and the snapping sound of cameras followed with distinct questions were thrown at us as we tried to walk through the sea of aggressive paparazzi and gossip news employees.

 Cars Over Crowns 101 (A MAMAMOO Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now