Lizzy comes back into the picture

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It has been a few weeks since Jordyn came home from the hospital, and Kendall and Logan were loving having her home, and having her baby sisters back into the picture since they have missed her baby sisters as well. The only thing that is missing from the picture is Lizzy, and Kendall wanted to do things with both of his girls since Logan was busy balancing the babies and getting Jordyn on the same schedule as her sisters which was not an easy task for Logan since he was in charge of all of the girls when Kendall was not home and was in the studio recording and making music. Cause raising this many kids is not easy, and it can get expensive with the diapers and everything

"Hey Jordyn did you have a nice nap?" Logan asks as he comes into her nursery to check on her since he was busy doing a couple of things in the kichen at the moment

Jordyn just coos up at her mommy as she was being taken to get a new diaper on her little bottom at the moment

"I take it you had a good nap baby doll" he says as he buckles her in on her changing table, so she doesn't roll over or do anything just in case he gets called fir the other babies since the other babies were in their playpen playing with their happily, and little Kyla was asleep for her nap which was a battle in itself since she does not want to take her naps anymore. The reason being she was a big girl and big girls don't take naps anymore

Once Jordyn was changed and had a new diaper on her little bottom Logan took her out to where her sisters were at the moment

"Girls look who woke up from her nap" Logan says as he comes out with Jordyn who was cooing up a storm for her mommy that afternoon

Aspen wanted to be with her baby sister

"Aspen we have to be gentle with Jordyn cause she is really little yet" Logan says as he places Jordyn on her little activity mat she loves to be on when mommy was busy with something at the moment, and she needs to keep herself occupied with her favorite toys and sounds that she loves to hear when she is on the activity mat

Aspen goes over and plays with Jordyn while mommy was busy in the kitchen or in the laundry room doing something that needs to get done before daddy came home from work or something

"Bri are you going to follow mommy to the kitchen huh baby girl?" Logan asks when he sees Bri get down on all fours like she was going to crawl to mommy and get to be with her since Bryn didn't want to play with her twin sister. She just wanted to play by herself and not anyone else at all

"Ya" Bri says happily as she started to crawl for mommy

"Come on then big girl" he says to her as they head for their area where they were going to be at

Bri followed papa to where they were going to be while Bryn played with her toys since Aspen wanted to be with her baby sister that she loved

(Meanwhile on the other side of town)

"Man that was a great recording session and I can't wait to share the music with Logan and the kids" Kendall says as he leaves the studio with his guitar in its case

Kendall loads the guitar up and heads home, so he could help Logan with the kids cause Logan was going to need a break sometime soon. As Kendall was driving he saw a little girl and she was slowly peddling her bike like she has been peddling for quite sometime now

"Sweetie stop I'll give you a ride home" Kendall says as he approaches the little girl who was tuckered out by now from riding all that much

When Kendall approached the little girl he sees that it is Lizzy that was peddling a lot

"Lizzy thank goodness you are okay me and papa have Bern worried sick about you since you left you adoptive parents house to come back to me and papa who have missed you so much these last couple of weeks" Kendall says as he hugs Lizzy tight cause he was not going to leave her go at all. He was prepared to fight to keep her with him and Logan

Lizzy was crying tears of joy when she felt who was hugging her and talking to her

"Princess you are okay with me cause me and papa ain't going to lose you again lime we did already. We are going to fight yo keep you with us this time around" Kendall says as he continues to hug Lizzy with all of his might cause he was not going to leave Lizzy go again like that ever again

Lizzy hugged daddy neck really tight as he took her to his car to buckle her in, so he could take her home and get her settled back into her old life that she had before she was taken away and put with a new family that didn't live her like her old daddy and papa loved her with all of their heart

"Lizzy you are really light have you ate anything since you left?" He asks as he carries her back to his car, so he could buckle her in her car seat to take her back to her old house to see papa again as well as her sisters, and her new baby sister. Who she needed to meet soon

She shakes her head no at that comment

"You must be starved come on I'll take you to get something to eat, so you can eat" he says as he loads her bike up in his car to go to their house

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