Bringing the other babies home

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'We can take her with us to the hospital to pick up her siblings" Kendall says to Logan cause he could see that Leighton was hooked on mommy

"You mean it Kenny we can take her?" Logan asks him as his eyes light up cause he was happy to be taking her to the hospital with them to get the other babies and bring them home so they could be a family

"Yeah she is attached to you too much right now to pull you apart" Kendall says when James came into the house to watch the other's while they were at the hospital getting the babies that were going to be coming home that night

Logan grabbed some clothes for the babies so they could keep them warm as they were leaving the hospital with the babies that were allowed to come home to join their siblings but it was going to be a while before the others were going to be coming home

"Planning the first birthday took a turn" Logan says as they were leaving the house

"Yes it did" Kendall says as they went to the bus to head for the hospital 

"I can't wait to celebrate it in several weeks" Logan says as he buckles Leighton in her car seat so they could head to the hospital and get her siblings 

"Me either" Kendall says as they head for the hospital to get the others and bring them home as well cause this was an exciting night for Kendall and Logan that they were bringing the others home from the hospital 

Kendall and Logan talked to themselves as Leighton slept in her car seat as they were heading to the hospital  


Kendall got the wagon train out for the babies while Logan got the stroller for Leighton so she could sleep as they headed into the hospital 

"I can't believe we are bringing the others home tonight" Logan says excited to Kendall

"I know I can't believe it either Logan I can't wait to see the others cause the rooms are ready for them to come home and join the family for sure" Kendall says to Logan as they headed into the hospital with Kendall pulling the wagon train that was in pieces still a little bit cause it is so long 

Logan was very happy that the others were coming home 

"We can take the regular elevator and when the wagon is all assembled we can take the patient elevator cause it is so long" Kendall says as they head up in the regular elevator for now and when they got there Kendall was going to put the train together and they were going to bring the babies home

"I hope i brought enough clothes for the babies, so they will be kept warm" Logan says as they were heading to where the others were at 

"Logan you're fine the babies will be fine" Kendall says to him as they enter the area where the others were

"I hope so" Logan says as they enter the room to get the others 

"Sounds like the others ain't too happy right now" Kendall says to Logan once they entered where the babies were 

"No they are not they want us mommy and daddy" Logan says to him as they enter slowly 


"Hey Jacob" Kendall says as he looks at the little boy that was by him and looking up at him as him and Logan came into the room to get them so they could go home

Jacob touched daddy's face gently as daddy picked him up to hold him

"You are glad to see daddy again aren't you buddy?" Kendall asks the little boy that he had in his arms and Logan dropped some clothes off so Kendall could get him ready to go as well 

"Ya" he says to him

"Okay buddy daddy has to get you ready cause you are ready to come home tonight" Kendall says as he starts getting Jacob ready to go home

Marianna comes over by her papa when she saw that papa was there that night

"Hey sweetie" Logan says as he fixes her messy hair a little bit when he came over to her

Marianna reached up to papa 

"Okay sweetie papa will hold you then he has to get you ready cause you are going to be coming home too" Logan says as he holds her in his arms close to him 

Logan loved bonding with Marianna and knew she was going to be a heart breaker when she gets older 

"Okay sweetie once papa gets you dressed you can play with your brother while papa gets your siblings ready to come home" Logan says to her as he lays her down so he could get her ready to come home from the hospital 

Kendall and Logan were fast to get the first ones ready to go


"Okay last one is ready to go" Logan says as he finished the last one of the girls who was really special 

"The last boy is ready to go too" Kendall says to Logan after he put the shoes on the little boy 

"Let's get them into the wagon so we can head home and get them settled" Logan says to Kendall

"That sounds like a plan Logie" Kendall says to him as they share a kiss 

"I love you" Logan says to Kendall

"I love you too Logan" Kendall says to him after they had kissed 

Logan and Kendall were able to put to babies in a seat on the wagon train, and some didn't like the wagon train especially the one's that were going to be special  

"Sweetie I know you don't like it but you have to be in here for safety purposes and then after you guys outgrow it you will be able to be on a rope okay" Logan says as he comforts the one that was special and she didn't like being in the wagon with her siblings as they were leaving the hospital to go home 

Logan rocked her gently and that got her to settle down a little bit 

"Papa will be beside you the whole way out of here and once we get to the bus you will be in your car seat" Logan says as he places her in the wagon to go home again  

She wasn't having nothing of it she didn't want to be in there with her brother 

"Oh no" Kendall says to Logan 

"Oh no is right" Logan says to Kendall as he picks the baby girl up and holds her close to him

"Now we wait for when the others are going to be coming home" Kendall says as they leave the hospital 

"They won't come home for a while longer Kenny, and when that day comes I can't wait to have all of the babies home with us" Logan says as they leave the hospital to go home with the babies that were coming home

"Me either" Kendall says to Logan as they head out to the van to go home with the babies and get them settled in  

V & C

Kendall and Logan's dumpster baby girls wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now