Mother's day 2.0

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Happy Mother's day to all of my readers that are mom's out there and here is Mother's day 2.0 as listed

"Okay girls what should we do for mommy/papa for mother's day that is this weekend cause this will be the second one that he will love cause you guys help make it special for him? No matter what cause he loves you girls with all of his heart like I do" Kendall asks one day since Logan and the babies were sound asleep at the moment in the master for nap time that afternoon, so Kendall had the two oldest girls with him since they don't want to go down for their nap until later on in the day since they have more energy than ever to play and run around the house and drive daddy crazy, or papa crazy when the babies were napping or were playing in on their activity mat, and sometime the babies will get angry cause they can't chase after their older siblings or go as fast as them. The older three can crawl, but that can't walk yet after their older siblings

Kyla and Lizzy were throwing out all kinds of ideas all over the place at the moment cause they wanted to do it all for papa that mother's day for him, and daddy was trying to write as fast as he could to make sure he had all of the ideas written down that the girls were saying to them about what they should do for papa

"Well it looks like we are going to be doing a lot of cooking for mom or papa this weekend. On top of shopping for special things that he might want" Kendall says as he looks at the huge list that the girls made for Logan's Mother's Day that weekend

Kyla and Lizzy wanted to get started with it right that very second.

"Girls the only thing I can think of doing right now is have you two go and paint a picture for papa since the babies are still asleep and we don't want to disturb them at all" Kendall says to the eager girls who wanted to get started on papa mother day presents that very moment

Kendall helps the girls put their smocks on, so they don't get too messy with the paint

"Girls I think I hear Jordyn and the others woke up from their nap, so I am going to take her and some of the babies with me into town, so we can get everything that we need to make hand prints or footprints for papa" Kendall tells the girls who were busy painting at their easel and they didn't even hear Jordyn or the others wake up from their slumber that afternoon


Kendall was able to set up the girls portrait session without Logan even noticing that the girls are going to be gone for an hour or so

"Girls I don't want you to ruin you pretty dresses fur papa picture. If you want to play in the grass I'll change you into your play clothes that I brought with me" Kendall says as he gets all of the babies out of their car seats, so they could have their pictures taken for Logan cause Kendall doesn't think that they have a huge picture of all of the girls with each other or separate for that matter

"Girls remember to be on your best behavior as you get your pictures taken for papa cause he is going to see this on Sunday when we serve him breakfast in bed with all of the fixings that he might want to eat" Kendall says as he brings the girls into the studio for their session

Kyla and Lizzy found the waterfall immediately, and started to play in it once again like they did last year

"Thank goodness I brought spare dresses along with your swim suites to wear just in case there was water involved somehow with all of this" Kendall says as he gets the girls swim suits out to wear while they play in the waterfall and the pond that they found interesting

The photographer took pictures of the girls in the waterfall playing and splashing around having a good time in the water. Kendall places the older babies as well as the younger ones in with their sisters cause they found it interesting to play and splash around. After it was time to have outside shots done, and the girls ran in the field played on the huge playground that was outside for them to play on, and Kendall couldn't wait for Logan to see the pictures that he was having done of all of the girls and of all of the kids since the one needed updated.

(Two days later)

"Time to go to the mall and do some physical shopping for Mother's Day" he says as he grabs all of the girls again, so Logan doesn't know what is going on with them and why they are acting so strange lately

The girls were excited to go shopping for papa for mother's day and see what the mall had for them

"Girls remember we are shopping for papa not you guys" Kendall says as he buckles the babies in their car seats

"What about the babies daddy?" Kyla asks him as she gets her car seat to buckle herself in this time around 

"Maybe if they need new clothes we will shop for them as well princess" Kendall says to her

"The babies need new clothes daddy" Lizzy says to daddy since papa was inside the house with Jordyn sound asleep in the master where all of the girls sleep at when they had a bad dream or something that woke them up scaring them to pieces

"Yeah I think so too, so baby clothes shopping is in order so the babies have some summer clothes for the summer, and maybe a swimsuit when you guys go into the pool since last year's doesn't fit anymore" Kendall says as he finishes up buckling the babies in their car seats so they could go shopping for Logan for Mother's day that year since it was different than the previous year where they didn't have that many kids, and now they have a lot of kids and they love all of them the same no matter what happens to them or if they get taken away Kendall and Logan will fight to the death to get them back in their lives   

V & C

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