Lizzy's dream preview

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I had to work today a kind of a long shift s here is a preview of the next chapter of what's to come with Lizzy's dream coming up next and it is going to be different then Kyla's dream I hope you guys like it 

Logan and Kyla was released two days later to go home

"Ready to come home?" Kendall asks as he came into the room with the car seat for Kyla since she was getting her check-up and getting ready to come home

"Ready for sure i can't wait to be home" Logan says as he was showering and getting ready to come home and get settled in with their daughter

"I can't wait to have you home as well as Kyla" Kendall says as he was going to dress Kyla once she was back in the room

Logan came out later and put on his slippers since he wanted to be comfy going home with the baby since he was going to be in a wheelchair as he was leaving the hospital to go home and get their baby girl settled in for her new life   

(End of dream)

"Logie are you okay?" Kendall asks when he sees Logan sitting up in bed 

"Yeah i just had the dream about Kyla is all" Logan says as he was going to get some water

"Like her birth?" Kendall asks him

"Yeah i wonder what it would of been like if we had Lizzy right after like a few months after we had Kyla" Logan says as he was having some water cause he was thirsty 

"I wonder that too Logie" Kendall says as he touches Logan's stomach where he still had that pouch from the last pregnancy

"It will be  crazy if she will be born right after her like a surprise pregnancy" Logan says as he was going to go to bed that night 

"I kow she is such a great kid and i love her" Kendall says as he hugs Logan close to him 

"I love her too" Logan says as he looks in Kendall's eyes 

"She is such a joy" Kendall says to Logan as he kisses him

"I know she is" Logan says as Lizzy comes into the room from her room 

"Lizzy is everything okay?" Kendall asks her as he picks her up to hold her in his arms 

She shakes her head no as she sucks her thumb

"Oh baby it is okay" Logan says as they were going to cuddle for a little bit 

As Logan was cuddling her he started to have that dream of what life would been like if he had carried her and they did not adopt her or if they adopted her when she was a baby and Kyla and her would of had that bond from the get go instead of later on in life  


"Kyla are you playing princess?" Logan asks her as he comes to check on her since he was recovered from the birth so him and Kendall was doing it again cause they wanted to expand their family a little bit

She nods as she was cooing up a storm as she was playing with her toys 

"Hey Logie" Kendall says as he came in after a long day in the studio 

"Hey Kenny" Logan says as they shared a kiss

"I see our princess is happy" Kendall says as he saw Kyla happy on her mat playing up a storm 

"Yeah she is she was fed a while ago" Logan says to Kendall as he was going to play with Kyla a little bit  since she was a happy camper

"Hey princess" Kendall says as he looks at her 

Kyla coos up at daddy 

"She is happy to see you" Logan says as he was going to hold her 

Kendall and Logan loved having her and was hoping to give her a sibling 

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