Christmas time with the Schmidt's

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The holidays were not a very happy time for Kendall and Logan cause it was going to be their first Christmas without Indie, but it was a happy time cause it was Lizzy's and the babies first Christmas, and Kyla second Christmas with them. They went way overboard with gifts for the girls, and the babies that year. They didn't care they wanted it to be special for the girls

"Okay girls go to the family room, so papa can read you the night before Christmas before we go to bed tonight" Kendall tells the girls after they had their bedtime snack that night

"Okay daddy" they say happily as they go to where papa was in the family room

Kendall cleans up the table from the girls as they head to where Logan was, and gets the bottles out, so he could feed the babies their snack while Logan read them the story of the night before Christmas

"Sit by me Lizzy" Kyla says to her sister

"Alright" Lizzy says to her sister as she sits next to her sister on the floor

Logan had Aspen with him, and Kendall was going to hold the other set of twins while Logan read the story

"Girls are you guys ready?" Logan asks the two girls that were sitting before him

"Yes papa" Kyla and Lizzy tells him as they hold their stuffed animals

"Here we go" Logan says as he starts reading the story to the girls

Kyla and Lizzy started to fall asleep towards the end of the story, so.Logan stopped it

"Girls don't forget we got to put out milk and cookies for Santa, and carrots for his reindeer" Kendall says as he starts to take the babies upstairs to the master bedroom

"Let's do that, and then we can hang the stockings above the fireplace" Logan says as he sets the book down, so he could help the older girls with the milk, cookies, and carrots for Santa

"I'll be in the bedroom waiting for you Logie" Kendall says as he grabs Aspen after he put B & B down for th night

"I'll be up soon after I help the girls with getting everything ready for Santa" Logan tells him

"Can we give Santa chocolate milk?" Lizzy asks Logan

"Sure we can" Logan says as he grabs the organic chocolate milk from the fridge

Kyla wanted to do the cookies cause she wanted to

"Now we have to hang the stockings above the fireplace for Santa, so he can fill them while you girls sleep" Logan says as he grabs the girls stocking that him and Kendall got that day while they were out and about

Logan hangs the stockings since the fire was still going

"Come on girls it's bedtime Santa is on his way here, aand you got to get to bed" Logan tells the kids

Kyla and Lizzy ran up to their room, so papa could tuck them in for the night

"Night girls I love you" Logan says as he shuts the lights off to their room

"Logie remember the one Christmas before we had kids" Kendall tells him

"Yeah how could i forget that was a great Christmas" Logan says as they have a flashback to their first Christmas two years after they were married

"I couldn't forget the Christmas that you told me that you were pregnant with Kyla" Kendall says to Logan

"Me either i found out way late, and i thought i figured I would save it for Christmas. That way you could have two presents" Logan says to him

"We got to get some sleep cause tomorrow it is going to be crazy with the kids" Kendall says looking at the clock

"Kendall do you think we can have another biological child down the road?" Logan asks in his sleep

"Yeah I want another child like Kyla cause she is too cute" Kendall says to him

Logan was thinking of a plan how they could start their next round of treatment, so he could get pregnant again

(Christmas morning)

"Daddy, papa wake up it's Christmas" Kyla says jumping on the bed getting her parents up

"Kyla please it's three o clock in the morning go back to bed" Kendall says looking at the click that was by the bed

"I heard footsteps downstairs, so I know it has to be Santa" she tells them

Kendall and Logan were fast asleep, so Kyla went downstairs to see who it was

"He is real" Kyla says when she saw Santa putting the presents under the tree

Kyla stood very quiet as she watched Santa work

"Kyla Schmidt aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Santa asks her

Kyla nods

"Go to bed cause I have some special dolly's in my sack that you want for Christmas, so you better get going to bed, and before I leave I'll give you and your sister a Dolly to sleep with" he tells her

Kyla goes back up to her room to go to sleep, so she could get her doll that Santa had in his bag for her

"Lizzy Santa is here" Kyla says as she enters her room

Lizzy woke up to see for herself, and was shocked to see who it was. It was her brother who was serving overseas. He sees that Lizzy is happy with her new family, but promises to drop in from time to time to spend time with her

"Kyla that wasn't Santa that was my brother" Lizzy says as she goes to bed

"Are you leaving me?" Kyla asks her

"No we are sisters, and I don't want to leave daddy and papa" Lizzy says as she gets her present that she want to give Kyla

Christmas day was a blast for Lizzy and Kyla, and the babies. It was one that Kendall and Logan will remember for sure cause they have five healthy girls that they love and care about. They couldn't wait to see what was going to be in store for the babies as they grow and change over the years. Plus they couldn't wait to experience the milestones again with the babies.

"This has been one great Christmas" Logan tells Kendall after the kids have been tucked in for the night

"Yes it has Logie, and I can't wait to experience it more with you" Kendall says as they seal their love with a kiss

Mery Christmas everyone

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