Lizzy's dream part 2

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"I will carry you Logie i wil come out for Kayla you need help now" Kendall says as he carries Logan into the hospital so he could be seen

Logan was taken to maternity right away

"I will be up there soon Logie" Kendall says as he went to get Kayla from the car so she could br brought in to be with mommy cause she was little as well

Logan was relaxed as he was breathing in and out as he was dealing with the pains right now cause they hurt so much and he wanted it over as well

"Kenny i think i'm pregnant" Logan says as he looks at his stomach as he was laying on the bed as he was getting hooked up to monitors to watch the contractions

"That's okay this one and Kayla will be close in age" Kendall says as he kisses Logan on the head to make it all better for him

"I never thought of it that way Kenny" Logan says as he was going to be in a gown now as he was going to get checked to see how far he was dilated as well

James came to get Kayla and was going to watch her for Kendall and Logan and he was going to bring her back when Logan had the baby

"I am thinking of Lizzy for a girl" Logan says as he was getting some medicine in him

"For a boy?" Kendall asks

"We will see on that" Logan says as he was relaxed a little bit since the medicine was working cause they had found out Logan was in fact pregnant again this time and they wanted to keep the gender a surprise

Logan was able to walk the halls as he was in labor and focus on the task at hand once again as he was in labor this time around

"All i have to do is work on a nursery for this one" Kendall says as he was holding Logan in his arms as he was having contractions

"Yeah i hope this one doesn't have to go to the NICU" Logan says as he looks at his bump that was smaller than normal

"We will have to see Logie" Kendall says as he looks at him cause they were going to be parents again and they will two kids under the age of one and they were ready for it cause they wanted a big family to begin with

Logan was able to get some sleep as well as he was waiting on this one to come into the world 


"Logie you are doing so good at this" Kendall says as he looks at him as they were walking the halls a little nit since Logan woke up from his nap and he could not get back to sleep at all 

"Kendall" Logan says as he looks at him

"Yes Logie?" Kendall asks him

'Shut up" Logan says as he was hit by another contraction

Kendall shuts up and was going to help Logan out with his labor 

"Kenny can you get me some ice chips?' Logan asks him after a while 

"Sure Logie" Kendall says to him as he was going to get him some ice chips to have since he could not have anything heavy right now until he has  the baby

Logan and Kendall go back to the room to wait and see where Logan was with his labor and when they will be meeting this new baby 

"You are still at five" the nurse says as she checks Logan 

"Will he have to have a c-section?" Kendall asks her as she was throwing away her glove

"Yes he will if he doesn't progress anymore" the nurse says as she was leaving the room to go and check on other people as well 

Logan let's Kendall know he will be okay and if he needs to have a c-section to get the baby out he is okay with that and don't put the baby in any more danger than what it was already  cause he didn't know he was pregnant again a second time around 

"Logan how are you so calm?" Kendall asks him

"I just am is all and i know we will see our baby soon Kenny and we will be a family of four instead of a family of three" Logan says as he looks at Kendall as he was going to go to the bathroom cause he needed to go really bad 

Kendall fixes the bed and when Logan comes back they cuddle together for a while since it is just the two of them in the room and maybe the labor might progress faster as well and the baby might come and Logan and Kendall can bond with the baby finally 

"Kenny this is nice" Logan says as he looks at him as they were cuddling on the bed 

"I know you want to do it?" Kendall asks him

"Maybe if it's okay" Logan says as he was going to let Kendall do it so he could have the baby and they can meet the new baby 

Logan didn't dilate at all so he was going to have a c-section to get the baby out

"Kenny it is going to be okay we are going to be just fine" Logan says as he gets his cap on so they can head into the operating room to see and meet the baby as well 

"I know it is" Kendall says as he was getting ready to go into the operating room to be with Logan as he was having the baby as well  

Logan wanted to walk to the operating room and the nurses were going to let him do that and he had a blanket around him as he was walking to the operating room so he was warm as he was on the table 

"I hope i can be a dad to two kids" Kendall says as he sat outside of the operating room  waiting to go in and be with Logan as he was having the baby 

Kendall goes in and sits up by Logan's head  

(Operating room)

"Okay Logan i see the baby's head i can say it's has lots of hair" the doctor says as he was pulling out the baby 

Kendall looked at the baby before he fainted on the floor  

"Kendall" Logan says as he looks at Kendall after he had fainted on the floor  

"Happy birthday sweetheart" the doctor says as he pulls the baby out from Logan 

Logan cried cause he had another little girl and Kayla had a playmate to play with and they were going to be close  in age which was a good thing for him cause they were going to get along great as they got older in life as well 

"Elizabeth" Logan says behind the blanket as he had thought of the name for the baby 

Soon Lizzy was brought to mommy so he could see her for the first time

"Your eyes are really pretty" he says as he looks at her eyes as they were glossy still from the birth

Logan was going to go back to his room to recover and be with Lizzy as well and see about Kendall and why he fainted on the floor when he saw Lizzy being born 

"Lizzy you are really pretty you know that" Logan says as he was rocking her in his arms to calm her down once again since she was not happy at all but was happy when she was with mommy again 

Kendall came in a few minutes later with his head wrapped up since he bleed a little bit after he had fainted  at the birth  

The rest will continue next week 

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