Three months later

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All of the babies were four months old and were thriving and was happy to be with their daddy, papa, and their big sister who loved them with all her heart

"Kenny can you believe the babies are four months old," Logan says as he carries Aspen who was ready for her morning nap by now

"Me either it feels like yesterday that we brought them home from the hospital to stay. Since that rescue the babies are doing much better instead of being inside that dumpster" Kendall says as he brings the others upstairs for their nap

"I started the treatment again, so I can get pregnant," Logan says as he lays Aspen down in her crib after he changed her

"Really?" Kendall asks him

"Really maybe this time I can give you a boy that looks like you," Logan says to Kendall

"I would be happy with another girl cause I really love Kyla and there are too many boys on my side of the family anyway," Kendall says as he puts the twins down in their crib for their nap

"Kyla we have to be quiet cause your sisters are napping," Logan says as he pops his head into her room

"Okay Papa," she says happily as she goes back to playing with her toys

Kendall and Logan decided to retreat to the master for quiet time since Kyla was playing and the babies were napping

"How is it going to work this time?" Kendall asks Logan

"This time I take everything as I did before with Kyla and when the time is right I will go in and have it done," Logan says as he takes one of the medications that he took before when they were going through all of that

"Just wanted to know," Kendall says as he takes off his clothes and strips down to his boxers

"We might as well since Kyla is playing and the babies are napping," Logan says as he starts taking off his clothes as well, so him and Kendall could do it


"That was nice man I have missed you Kendall," Logan says as he gets his breathing under control once more

"I missed you more," Kendall says to Logan as they go back to kissing

(Brynlee crying)

"Well so much for that" Kendall says when he hears Brynlee on the baby monitor

"Yeah time to go back to being parents," Logan says as he puts his robe on cause Brielle and Aspen would start crying too at the top of their lungs soon

Brielle and Aspen didn't wake it was only Brynlee that woke up from her nap

"Brynlee what's the matter darling?" Kendall asks as he picks her up to hold her to see what her problem was

Logan shines the light in her mouth to see if he saw something sticking up by her gum

"There's the problem," Logan says when he spots the thing that was bugging her

"What is it, Logie?" Kendall asks him

"It seems Brynlee is the first of the babies to be cutting her first tooth," Logan says as he comes back with the gel to help with the pain that she was experiencing at the moment with the tooth that was coming in

"Papa is going to take care of that nasty tooth for you," Logan says as he applies the gel on the gum line to help ease the discomfort that Brynlee was experiencing at the moment

Within minutes Brynlee started to settle down and laid her head on daddy's shoulder

"That worked come on sweetie daddy is going to rock you back to sleep," Kendall says as he takes Brynlee to the rocking chair to rock her back to sleep again

Soon Aspen started to fuss

"Make that two babies cutting teeth," Logan says as he applies the gel to Aspen gum to help her with the pain that she had at the moment

Once the gel was applied Aspen felt so much better

"There papa knew what you needed and now he is going to rub your belly to help you settle down, and go back to dreamland love," he says as he starts rubbing her belly to help her go back to sleep

Aspen is fast asleep a few minutes later, and Brielle wakes up

"Now I guess all three are cutting teeth," Kendall says from the rocking chair where he was rocking Brynlee back to sleep

"Yup now we ain't going to sleep," Logan says as he puts the gel in her mouth to help with the pain that was in her mouth

After Brielle had the gel she still wasn't happy

"Oh great she is cutting two teeth at the same time," Logan says as he goes and gets the teething ring that he had in the freezer for the girls just in case they were cutting teeth later down the road

Logan returns with two teething rings for the babies that were cutting teeth

"Thank you Logie," Kendal says as he accepts the teething ring for Brynlee who still wasn't very happy at the moment

"You are quite welcome Kenny," Logan says as he goes over and gets Brielle who was still fussy

Once Brielle had the teething ring she felt quite better

"There we go princess," Logan says as he holds the teething ring for her as she gums on it

"I think Brynlee feels better that she has a teething ring to gum on to help with the pain that is in her mouth," Kendall says to Logan

"Me too I can tell" Logan says when Brynlee gives papa a smile that could

"Daddy, papa I don't feel good" Kayla says as she comes into the room where daddy and papa was at the moment

"Princess what hurts," Kendall asks her

"My tummy," she says as she holds her tummy area

"Logie, can you handle the babies?" Kendall asks him

"Of course Kendall go and later I can join you guys in Kyla room later on," Logan says as Kendall hands him Brynlee who was still gumming on her teething ring at the moment

"Papa I want you too," Kyla says to him

"Kyla I promise I'll join you as soon as your sisters settle down cause right now they are cutting teeth," Logan says as he continues to rock in the rocking chair with the twins who were starting to settle back down

"Okay," she says as she and daddy go to her room to cuddle and snuggle

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