Shopping with the girls & Logan has some fun with Kendall

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Logan was over the moon that they were going to have another little girl to love. After they found out the gender he took Kyla and Lizzy to the store, so they could go shopping for their baby sister

"Bye Kenny me and the girls are going shopping" Logan says as he leaves with the two year olds

"Bye Logie have fun I'll be waiting here when you get back" Kendall says as he plays with the babies cause they love playing jungle gym on daddy since they couldn't do it with papa

"I will" Logan says as he leaves

"Okay Aspen I think it's time for a pit stop for you" Kendall says as he takes Aspen upstairs to get a new diaper on since hers was full

Brynlee and Brielle followed behind daddy as he went upstairs with Aspen


Logan parks in the expectant mothers spot since he was expecting, and he had two hyper toddlers with him in the back seat of the van. He did not want to risk it with all the traffic, and the shopping that they had to do to get ready for the new baby

"Girls stay close to me and no taking off got it" Logan says as he gets them out of their car seats

"You got it papa" the girls say happily to him as he helps them out of the van, so they could start their shopping adventure for the new baby

The girls held Logan hand as they crossed the busy street to go into babies r us to go shopping for the baby

"I want you two to ride on the front ends of the carts since papa has to do a big shopping trip for both the new baby and your baby sisters" he says as he grabs two carts for the load that he was going to get that day at the store

"I can push one cart papa" Lizzy says to him

"Thank you Lizzy" he says as Kyla gets on the front of the cart that he was going to push through the store

"Where to first papa?" Lizzy asks him

"First stop is car seats, so we can get the baby a new car seat to ride in when she comes him from the hospital" he says as he looks at the car seats that will go in the back of the van where the other babies already go

Logan looks at all the straps to make sure that they were secure, and he also looked at the brands to make sure they weren'y no recalls on that brand that he was going to get for the baby girl that will be coming very soon

"How do you like this car seat girls?" he asks them when he saw one that he liked

"It's alright" Kyla says from the cart that Logan was pushing

""I agree with Kyla" Lizzy says to him

"You're right it's too medicore for the baby" he says as he continues to browse for the perfect car seat for the baby

The girls found one that they agreed on, and Logan got that one

"Now onto bedding for the crib" he says as they head to the nursery section of the store to look at the bedding for the baby cause he wanted it to be perfect since all of the babies had their own bedding already, and they got rid of Kyla's causeit was too stained from her throwing up a lot when she was a baby. She couldn't help it

Logan picks out really pretty bedding that will work in the nursery that Kendall put together for the baby

"Okay girls do the other babies need new clothes too?" he asks as they head over to where the clothes were cause most of the clothes that they used on the babies when they brought them home were past laundering

"Yes papa" Kyla says to him as they head over to the clothing part of the store to go shopping for the new baby cause this was going to be the last baby for quite a while, and Logan wanted to go all out with the bows, ruffles, pinks, purples, and all things girly for the baby

"Girls i want you to pick out for your sisters while i take care of the new baby" he says to them as they continues to shop for the new baby

The girls went clothes crazy cause they got the next sizes up just in case the babies have a growth spurt and outgrow their clothes

"Good thinking girls" he says when he sees the sizes that they got for the baies who they currently have

Logan put them in the cart that Lizzy had with her

"Papa?" Kyla asks him

"What is it princess" he asks her as they over to the next section of the store cause he was going to get an empathy belly for Kendall, so Kendall can experience the pregnancy right a long with him

"What are we going to call the new baby?" she asks him

Logan was stuck cause him and Kendall couldn't come up with a name for the baby right now

"We'll pick up some baby books, and we can go through the names to pick out the perfect name for your baby sister" he says as he gets the empathy belly that was going to be perfect for Kendall to wear the rest of the pregnancy

Kyla was happy that they were going to work on the name for the baby that night or later on

"All we need to do is get baby food, formula and changing table essentials and we will be on our way" Logan says to the girls

"Papa" Lizzy says

"What Lizzy?" He asks her

"We forgot the stroller" she says to him

"Lizzy we have a stroller at home, and the new baby can ride with Aspen in her stroller cause Aspen is quite lonely without someone in her stroller" he says as they head to check out to pay for their purchases that they had with them

"Oh okay papa" she says as they continue in the direction that they were going


"Now to go home and give daddy his present" Logan says as they leaves the store to go home, so he could give Kendall his present that he got for him

The girls got themselves in their car seats after they helped papa load the van with everthing that they needed


"Logan what is that?" Kendall asks when he sees Logan bring in an empathy belly for him to wear

"I thought since we didn't do this last time I thought you might want to experience it right along with me this time" Logan says to him

"Might as well" kendall says as he puts the belly on

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