Kyla's Birthday

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Soon the day Logan was dreading was here and he couldn't believe that Kyla is going to be three years old, and not be his little baby girl anymore even though he wanted her to stay little forever and not grow up, but sadly she had to grow up sooner or later, and she will be going to school, and having a boyfriend, and soon she will be leaving the nest all together to venture out on her own

"Morning Kyla" Logan says as he comes into her room to wake her up cause he wanted to spend the day with her, and celebrate with just her that morning while Kendall and the others slept still in their beds sleeping peacefully

"Morning papa" she says to him as she opens her eyes to look at her papa that morning since he came into her room to wake her up for her birthday breakfast that morning

"Come on princess I am going to take you out for breakfast for your birthday. It is just going to be just the two of us since daddy is still sleeping, and your siblings can stay with daddy while you and papa have some one on one time together just the two of us on your birthday baby girl" Logan says to her as he helps get her ready for the day cause it was her special day, and he wanted to spend as much time with her before the others woke up and he needed to help Kendall with the babies since they required a lot of work since they were still little

"Why papa?" she asks him as she gets out of bed that morning to go to breakfast with papa on her birthday

"Today is your birthday and you turn three today that is almost a whole hand princess" he says as he puts her in her in her outfit that he had picked out for her to wear the night before and he wanted her to look cute but look like she was a three year old

"Me three" she asks him as he helps her get out of her night gown and into her outfit that says me three

"Yes princess you are three years old today" he says as he helps her get dressed and ready to go out to breakfast that morning just the two of them

Kyla was really excited for her party later on in the day with all her family and friends that really love her and cared about her


"Here we are princess" Logan says as he gets her out of her car seat to take her into the restaurant for her breakfast that morning since the others were sleeping and Logan wanted to make this a thing with her and the others when they got old enough he would take them to breakfast on their birthday and have one on one time with them. With the twins that will be kind of a challenge in itself to take one to breakfast and leave the other ones at home with Kendall on their birthday

Kyla was excited for IHOP that morning for breakfast for her third birthday with papa

"I know you love pancakes as much as papa does" he says as he enters the restaurant with her in tow to see where they could sit at

Logan helps her into her booster seat as the waitress hands them their menus

"What looks good to you princess?" He asks her as he looks at the menu that looked delicious

Kyla took her time as she looked at the menu to decide on what she was going to have that morning as her breakfast for her birthday

"This papa" she says to him as she shows him the picture of what she wanted for breakfast that morning

"That looks delicious and it goes with your circus theme birthday that daddy is doing for you even though papa knew what you like and what you don't like" Logan says as he reaches over and gives her a kiss on her little nose that makes her smile

Kyla kissed papa right back that morning as they enjoyed their morning together for her birthday

(Later at home)

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