Dumpster babies

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Kendall had the day off from the studio, do him and Logan decided to take Kyla on a walk around town, and maybe do some shopping for costumes that they might want to wear on Halloween

"Are you having fun princess riding up there on daddy's shoulders?" Logan asks her as he pushes the stroller that had two car seats secured just in case they found a set of twins

"Yes I am papa" she says happily

Kyla didn't mind when they had to stop and sign autographs cause she knew her parents were famous in Hollywood. As the line got longer Kyla got more annoyed, so she decided to go off on an adventure by herself

"I can have fun without daddy and papa" she says as she goes in the opposite away from daddy and papa

Kyla started walking when she heard a crying noise come from one of the dumpsters that were in the alley, so she decided to go and investigate the sound. When she approached the dumpster she couldn't climb in cause she was too short

"I can't wait till I am as tall as daddy or papa" she says as she sits by the dumpster

Kyla sees that there is a chained fence right by the dumpster, so she decides to climb it to get into the dumpster that way, and she was surprised by what she found in the dumpster

"Okay Kyla are you ready to have some fun?" Kendall asks once all of the fans left

Kyla was nowhere to be found

"Logan have you seen Kyla cause she isn't here?" Kendall asks him

"I thought she was by the stroller" Logan tells him

"Well she isn't there now" Kendall says yelling at him

"Okay we will begin searching for her together cause she is only two she couldn't have gone far" Logan says as him and Kendall both go back the way they walked hoping they would find her

(Meanwhile in the dumpster)

Kyla was holding one of the babies that were in the dumpster

"It's okay baby my daddy and papa will be coming soon to take you home" she says to the baby that settled down in her arms

"Kyla where are you princess?" Logan calls down the alley

Kyla didn't respond, so Logan continued calling her until he got a response from her

"I'm right here papa" she calls when she hears his voice

Logan and Kendall run towards her

"Kyla how did you get in this dumpster?" Kendall asks her as he locks the stroller

"I climbed in using the fence that was by the dumpster" she tells him

Kendall and Logan knew their daughter got Logan's brains cause she is smarter then any two year old, but she was sometimes was a Diva and Kendall and Logan didn't like that side of her

"You are getting out now missy" Logan says as he lifts her out of the dumpster

Before Logan could get her out she handed him a baby

"Kyla were these babies in the dumpsters when you climbed in?" Kendall asks Kyla

"Yes daddy they were" she says as she hands papa another baby, so he could put it in the stroller with the other baby

"One thing me and daddy are taking you and the babies to the hospital to make sure noting got on you guys" Logan says as he puts the covering over one of the babies as they leave to head to the hospital

"Kyla you are going to be walking between me and papa the whole way to the hospital" Kendall tells her as they continue to head for the hospital to get Kayla and the twins checked out

"Am i in big trouble?" she asks as she does the puppy dog face

"Yes princess you are, and when we get home you are going have to go in time-out cause you didn't tell me or daddy where you went" Logan says as he continues to push the babies to the hospital

Kyla knew that dumpster had more then the twins inside, so she kept looking back at that dumpster. When Kendall and Logan stopped again to sign autographs and take pictures she head back to see about the other babies that were in the dumpster with the babies that she heard

"Kyla you have to quit leaving me and papa like that" Kendall says when he sees her back by the dumpster

"Daddy there is more then two babies in there" she says looking up at him

Kendall looks in the dumpster to see for himself

"Oh my gosh Logie this dumpster is full of babies" Kendall says when he sees all of the babies that were inside the dumpster

"I'm calling the cops to report this" Logan says as he pulls out his phone to call the cops

The cops come along with some paramedics to take all of the babies to the hospital with Kendall and Logan who had the two babies that Kyla found

"Papa what are the babies?" she asks as they continue to head for the hospital

"Right now I don't know baby doll" Logan tells her as they continue to head for the hospital to get Kayla and all of the babies checked out

"Once the hospital checks them over they will be able to tell us if you have a brother and a sister or two brothers or two sisters" Kendall tells her as they continue to head for the hospital

"What would you want Kyla two brothers, two sisters or one of each?" Logan asks her

Kyla had to think as they continued to head for the hospital

"What are we going to do if we get stopped by fans again?" Logan asks as he continues to push the babies who were still sleeping to the hospital

"Just tell Kyla to wait and sign autographs and pose for pictures with the fans and continue on our merry way Logie" kendall says as he pushes more of the babies in the stroller that the police officer gave him cause all of the babies couldn't fit in the squads that came to take all of the babies to the hospital

"Kenny i want to take all of the babies with us" Logan tells him

"Logie this is more then two or four babies we are talking about here" Kendall tells him

"Kenny they need us cause they were just dropped off in the dumpsters by their mothers who didn't care for them" Logan says as they finally reach the hospital

"Logie leave me think about it and i can tell you my answer" Kendall says to him

Should Logan and Kendall keep two, four all of the babies?

What will the twins be?

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