Procedure day

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It was the day of Logan's procedure, and he was quite nervous this time around, and he didn't know why he was so nervous about this time. Then he thought of the first time that he went through with this procedure

(First time)

"Logie are you ready?" Kendall asks him

"Ready as ever" Logan says as he follows Kendall to the car, so they could have the procedure done, s they could start their family that they always wanted cause they were having trouble with the surrogate and the adoption process

"Kenny are you sure this is going to work?" Logan asks in the car as they head to the hospital where the procedure was going to take place at

"Yes, and then we can experience this journey together as a couple. Then we can raise our little one" Kendall tells him

"I can't wait to see who our little one looks like on the screen after we find out that we are pregnant" Logan says as they continue to head to the hospital for the procedure

"Me either we are going to be great parents to our kids I can just feel it" Kendall says to him

"Me too" Logan says as they arrive at the hospital, so the procedure can get started, and they have to wait to see if the procedure was successful

The first procedure wasn't a success, so Logan went in for a second procedure cause he was wanting a baby to hold in his arms and call his own

(Second procedure)

"Logie you got to have faith that this will be good cause i can feel it" Kendall says as they head back to the hospital for a second attempt

"Okay" Logan says as he wipes his eyes cause he didn't want another heartbreak and not to be able to carry their child to term

Logan had a miscarriage, and him and Kendall were devasted that they wouldn't have their little one

"Logie we will go for a third time, and we can take a break before we go back in to start the procedures again" Kendall says as he hugs Logan tight in his arms

"Okay I really want a little one really bad" Logan says to him

"Me too Logie, me too" Kendall says to him

(Third procedure)

For the third procedure they wanted Logan to come back and stay in the hospital the day after the procedure

"Well?" Kendall asks Logan a few days after the procedure

"It took cause I'm pregnant" Logan says happily

"Oh Logie I'm so happy" Kendall says as he gently hugs Logan

"Me too now I can't wait to find out the gender of this one cause i know this one loves us already" Logan says to his belly

Kendall would play the guitar for Logan, and Logan loved it until he was able to be released from the hospital

(Present day)

"Logan are you ready to go through this again?" Kendall asks him

"I don't know i don't want the heartache that we had before we got Kyla" Logan says as he looks at the pictures of the babies that they lost before Kyla came along

"Me either I'll be right here the entire time, and Kyla and Lizzy is excited to be big sisters, and experience the baby moving inside" Kendall says as he hugs Logan

"Will you?" Logan asks him

"You can count on it" Kendall says as they kiss

Logan felt better, so he leaves to go with Kendall to the hospital to have the procedure done, so Aspen could have a playmate, and someone to talk to when her sisters didn't want to talk to her. Plus he didn't want her to ask if she had a twin sister, and they had to tell her the truth of what really happened to Indie while they were in the hospital. It was going to be hard enough to tell the babies that they found them in a dumpster


"Here we are the familar hospital room" Kendall says as they enter the hospital room where Logan was going to be for a couple of days, so the hospital can make sure the procedure went well

Kendall waits in a chair while Logan gets into his hospital gown, so they could go in to where the doctor was going to insert the egg into Logan

"Ready Kenny" Logan says as he comes out of the bathroom

Kenny helps Logan to the bed to wait to go down for the procedure

"I hope this one takes and we don't have to do this anymore cause I am just exhausted from the two previous attempts that we did, and I don't want another heartbreak" Logan says as he looks at Kendall

"Logan we won't and the baby will latch on" Kendall says as the nurses come in to take Logan down for the procedure

Kendall was allowed to come in this time to see where the baby was going to go even though there is going to be a sheet to cover the two men's view

"Okay Logan there is going to be a slight pinch as we insert the egg in" the doctor tells him

Logan nods as he gets prepared for it

"You are doing great Logie" Kendal says to him as the doctor makes sure that the egg took

Soon Logan was moved into recovery to rest for a couple of hours, and see if it was successful, and that they were pregnant again for a second time around

(Couple of days later)

"Hey Logie how are you feeling?" Kendall asks as he comes into the hospital room to check on Logan

"Good today is the day we get to see the baby. Where is Kyla and Lizzy?" Logan asks as he gets comfortable in his bed after he went to throw-up that morning

"They had to stop at the restroom, so I'll go down and get them" Kendall says as he goes down and get the girls as well as the babies that he brought with them

"Papa" Kyla says as she runs into the room when she saw Logan

"Hey princess" Logan says as the doctor comes in with the machine to see about the baby, and it see if they could see the baby that got attached to Logan

"Lift up your gown please?" the doctor asks Logan

Logan does what he is told

"It will be quite cold" the doctor says as he squirts the gel on Logan

Logan nods

Soon they could hear a heartbeat

"Well the procedure was a success cause that is your little baby right there" the doctor tells Logan and Kendall

Kendall and Logan couldn't believe the first tim the second go around it worked, and that they were pregnant again

"You will be released in a few days to go home and no heavy lifting" the doctor tells Logan as he leaves the room

"Got it doc I won't be lifting anything heavy for a while" Logan says as he cleans off his stomach

Kyla and Lizzy touch where the baby was at in papa tummy

"Now to enjoy this pregnancy" Logan says as he relaxes

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