Kyla's birth part 1

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(Three years ago)

Logan was heavily pregnant with his and Kendall's first child a daughter who they were going to name Kyla Sophia Henderson-Schmidt, and they couldn't wait for her to arrive into this great big world

"How is our little Kyla doing today Logan?" Kendall asks Logan when he came home from a long day at the studio where he was working with an up and coming artist with tollbooth records  on their album that they were working on to get out cause Logan couldn't act anymore cause he was too big, and they didn't want him to go into labor on set either

"She is doing good went to the doctor's today and right on schedule for her to come, so she could come at any moment now, so it is a waiting game for her to come into the world, and we can finally meet her after all of this time" Logan says as he sits on the couch cause he was hungry and he was going to eat while he watch the discovery health channel cause it had a pregnancy and birth marathon that was on and Logan was watching it cause he wanted to watch it as much as he could before he has to go to the hospital to have the baby

"How many more weeks do we have to go until she comes into the world?" Kendall asks Logan

"Three more weeks and the doctor said I could go over with her cause she is our first child and first ones can come later or they can come early depending on the baby" Logan says as he starts to eat cause he was really hungry and could not wait to dig into what he had made for himself that day for a snack

"Well she can come whenever cause we are good and ready cause her nursery is ready, the bag I packed, the car seat is in the car ready to go, got the hospital route down to a science, got everyone on speed dial as well, so they can be there when the time comes, we have been to Lamaze already, and have our birth plan ready to go for when she decided to come cause that can be any day, Dustin knows when I'm not going to be at the studio plus he knows the code word just in case I am working with an artist and I'm not near my phone at all he can tell me the word and he will take over, so we can head to the hospital to welcome Kyla into the world when she decided to come. Plus I am taking leave from the studio as well once she arrives" Kendall says to Logan cause he was massaging Logan's swollen feet cause his feet really hurt when he walks around, and his whole body ache in general from the weight of their little princess that he was carrying in his stomach, and Logan was enjoying the massages that Kendall gives him every day to help him relax

"Well that is good to hear that Dustin is on board if I go into labor early, and you have to come home to help me to the hospital so we can welcome her into the world, and that is great that you are taking time off once she comes cause I am going to need a lot of help with her" Logan says as he enjoys the massage that Kendall was giving him cause it felt wonderful on his entire body

"Yeah Carlos and James know too. My parents are coming the week before she is due and your parents will be coming right after she is born cause my parents is going to be communicating with your parents for when she comes cause she might be early or she might be a late baby" Kendall says as he continues to massage Logan's sore muscles that he had, so he could feel better

Logan was glad that everyone was in the loop just in case he goes into labor early and Kendall is not reachable at all, and he had to get to the hospital quickly to have the baby

"Are you planning anything for these next couple of weeks?" Logan asks him as Logan closes his eyes a little bit

"Nope I am going to be right here with you and little Kyla cause both of you are my world" Kendall says as he rubs Logan's belly to see if Kyla was asleep or if she was awake for daddy that night cause Kendall wanted to enjoy her a little bit since he wasn't home all day and Logan had her to himself which was totally unfair for Kendall cause Logan and Kyla had this special bond that was unbreakable

"Is she awake?" Logan asks him as Kendall rubs his bump to get the baby girl awake

"Yeah she must know that daddy is home and is making mommy comfortable" Kendall says to Logan as he rubs Logan's stomach trying to make her happy too cause she hated to be left out

"Yeah she does" Logan says as he puts his hand to see if she was going to kick for mommy and daddy that night cause she would kick a lot some night and other nights she won't kick a lot and she would just flip

Kendall decided to do a vine, snapchat and a instagram as well as a Youtube video of what is going on with Logan and Kyla, and upload it for the fans, so they could watch it when they had the time

(Three weeks later)

Logan was sleeping when he was woken up by a sharp pain in his middle

"Okay that was a strong one" he says as he rubs his stomach hoping that it wasn't another Braxton Hicks contraction that he had been having these last few days and Kendall hasn't took him to the hospital cause he knew to wait to see if they start to increase in strength , and Kyla was going to be born cause they were dying to have her out and in the world by now, so they could spoil her

Logan started to time the contractions to see if they are still far enough apart that he could labor at home for a little bit before he heads to the hospital to have little Kyla who wanted to come that day whether she wanted to or not

"Well they are still plenty far apart I can still labor and let Kendall know that today might be the day that we become parents and Kyla comes into the world and meets her parents for the first time" Logan says as he texts Kendall to let him know what was going on with him right now

Kendall was glad that Logan told him that he might be in labor, and he will keep his phone by him at all times just in case it was the real deal and Logan was going to be going to the hospital to have little Kyla who wanted to be born

"Well Kyla what do you want to do now huh little one?" Logan asks as he heads up to her nursery to make sure everything was ready for her to come just in case she was going to be born that night or the next morning

She gives papa a little kick in response

"Let's read a story from your shelf that daddy did for you, and is going to be filled with books that we are going to read to you" Logan says as he grabs a story from the book shelf that was in Kyla's room and heads over to the rocking chair to read to her

Kyla loved when papa read to her cause she loved hearing papa's voice

"They are still far enough apart I can relax and do whatever I want still , so let's head over to your wardrobe cause papa went overboard on the clothes for you, and you are going to be wearing a lot of pretty outfits when you are out with daddy or papa, and when you are at home cause me and daddy spoiled you to the core a little bit" Logan says as he heads over to the wardrobe that Kendall made for Kyla to see what outfit he might want to put her in if she ruins her going home outfit

Logan made sure they had plenty of diaper's, wipes, lotion, rash cream, and anything else that they need for Kyla once she comes home from the hospital cause they were going to go through a lot of diapers the first day home from the hospital

"Well baby girl if you want to come today you can cause me and daddy is all ready for you all we have to do is wait for you to come sweetie" he says before he was hit by another contraction and that one was stronger then the ones that he had been having lately

Logan texted Kendall to tell him that the contractions were getting stronger and Kyla was going to be born whether he was home or not. Kendall was on his way home to take Logan to the hospital to have Kyla, so they could welcome her into the world

"Leave as two and coming home as three" Logan says as he grabs his bad, so they could head to the hospital to welcome Kyla into the world that  day or early the next morning

V & C

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