Part 5

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"Logie if the contractions pick up as well, we can try something else" Kendall says as he was going to get some sleep as well cause Kendall started to feel sleep coming on so he was going to sleep when Logan slept as well

Logan moans in his sleep as well cause he was sound asleep right now and he did not want to be disturb for anything right now so Kendall was going to leave him be as well and he was going to get some sleep as well cause the nurse was going to come in soon to get Logan started on a I.V and hook him up to some monitors as well and she was going to check him as well to see how far he had progressed with his labor as well and if he wasn't that far she was gong to leave him alone as well and she was going to check on him later as well to see how far he had progressed as well cause she was going to leave him sleep as well

(Much later)

Logan was going to get into the shower and bounce on the labor ball cause it was going to help him cause the contractions woke him up and they were more painful and the doctor wanted him to bounce to help him cause he had to deliver the babies somehow, and he wanted the pain to end as well cause this was torture on him as well and he was very miserable as well and he was going to be glad when he could get some pain relief as well cause he was going to be ready for some type of pain relief as well and Kendall was going to help Logan with his pain relief as well cause he was going to massage his whole body and he was going to let him squeeze his hand when he needed it as well cause Logan was going to be hitting the rocky waters of labor as well with the harder contractions and he will be wanting that epidural sooner rather then later of course and Kendall was going to stay by his side as he gets that epidural to help cause the contractions were starting to get to be too much on him as well too

"Logan I hope you can hang on till you can get some pain relief" Kendall says as he was in the shower with him as well

"I hope so too cause this contractions are like driving on a bumpy road, and I feel like they are getting more intense as well" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall cause Kendall was the reason he was in this mess again cause Kendall wanted to make sure Logan was always happy cause he knew if he said anything wrong or made a wrong decision or move he was going to be sleeping on the couch as well too so he was going to keep to himself as well while Logan was in labor cause he was not going to made him even more mad then what he was cause the contractions was making him really mad and Kendall was hoping that he would get the epidural when the window is open as well cause it will make Logan more happier and more calmer as well too cause Kendall hated seeing Logan like this as well

"Logan hang in there you got this" Kendall says as he was looking at him as he was riding the contractions as they came as well and Logan tried to think of positive thoughts as well cause Logan wanted this over with and fast cause he was tired of being in pain right now and he wanted the babies there as well, and he was hoping Logan was far enough where he could get pain relief cause he was in a lot of pain from the contractions as well 

Soon the nurse comes in and she checks Logan and see where he was at with his labor and the monitors was worrying the nurses as well so she came in to see what was going on with the contractions cause they were starting to get really intense right now and that worried the staff as well cause Logan and the babies might be in danger as well, so she was going to have Logan lay on his side and they were going to put his leg in the stirrup as well to see what was going on and they checked Logan to se where he was in his labor and he progressed really fast for his third delivery too, so he was going to be delivering here soon cause one baby was making a break for it, so they were going to deliver the babies sooner rather then later so they were going to call Logan's doctor and see where he was and if he was close to the hospital and see if he was able to come to the hospital and make a delivery cause Logan was really progressing right now so the nurses were going to have him come to the hospital and double check to make sure the baby is fact coming and deliver Logan

"This is all happening so fast" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall right now cause he didn't expect to be delivering already

"Logan it's going to be okay I'm going to be right here with you" Kendall says as the nurse comes back in the room with scrubs for Kendall cause they were going to be taking Logan to the delivery room soon like when the doctor comes in to check on him and see if one of the babies was going to be born cause Logan has not felt the baby actually leaving his body as well

"Thanks Kenny i hope the doctor comes soon and checks me cause it's too much" Logan tells him as he was hiding his fear from Kendall and the nurses right now cause he was really scared right now about what was about to happen with him and the babies cause this was really scary for him and Kendall was scared as well for Logan safety as well

"I know it is Logan and you are so strong too" Kendall says as he was talking to Logan right now cause Logan was really scared

"Kenny promise me you are going to be right beside me the whole time" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall right now cause the nurse was getting a hold of Logan's doctor again to see where he was and if he was close to the hospital as well

"Logan I'll be right here with you the whole time you are having our beautiful babies and if they decide that they want to be born right now I'm going to be there too cause I'm not making you go through this alone we are going to be going through this together no matter what happens" Kendall says as he was looking at Logan right now cause Kendall knew he had to hide his scariness from Logan too cause deep down Kendall was scared as Logan and he hated to see Logan go through this alone too

Logan smiles as he looks at Kendall right now cause he was right about staying there with him as he was going to have the babies cause this was not going to be easy either cause Logan was going to have to give it everything he had to bring both babies into this great big world, and he was going to be grateful when it was all over cause he was going to get a good shower and he was going to get some proper sleep

"Thanks Kenny for being right there through this whole thing cause once this is all over  I would want some fries, a burger, a shake and ice cream" Logan says as he was looking at him right now cause he wanted to feast after the birth as well and he was going to feast if it killed him as well cause he has earned this feast after what he has gone through already to have these babies as well

The nurse comes back and she checks Logan and she saw a head was almost out so she was going to see about the doctor and see where he was at as well cause there was a delivery in progress right now, and he had to come and deliver the twins

"Logan just keep doing what you are doing the baby is almost here" Kendall says as he was going to deliver the baby or babies in this case cause the babies were going to be coming soon and they had to be ready for them

Logan was going to be doing little pushes to get the first baby out and into the world as well  cause he wanted to save his strength for the rest of the birth cause he had to deliver two babies so he wanted to make the birth easy and gentle as he could on him cause he wanted to be able to savor each birth as it was happening as well cause Kendall was going to cut the cords of the babies cause Logan wanted to bond with the babies as soon as they were born as well cause he had to let them know that they were with mommy or papa in this case

"Okay Logan the head is out a few more little and two big pushes the first baby will be here" Kendall says as he was looking at Logan cause he had to keep Logan motivated the best that he could as well

Logan continued to do what he has been doing and soon the first baby had been born

"It's a girl" Kendall says as he announces the first baby that had been born

More will come when there isn't any problems or I don't work either or I am tired after having one day off too sadly once again cause of not much help or we have a call off, so I am going to aim for next week maybe

Part 6 will come sometime

Happy Holidays everybody

Merry Christmas everyone

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