Bringing the twins home

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Kendall and Logan were excited to bring the twins home from the hospital and get started on the other nurseries that the other two baby girls will have

"I'm glad the othe babies found families that love them like we love Kyla" Logan says as he was in the nursery getting Brynlee bag ready with the outfit that she was going to wear home from the hospital

"Me too and the other two baby girls get to come home to us" Kendall says as he looks across the hall at the other room that was going to be the other nursery for the other teo baby girls who didn't find families like the others did

"Now to go get our three baby girls from the hospital" Logan says as he grabs Brynlee diaper bag

"Yes let's go bring them home Logie" Kendall says as he follows behind him

Logan and Kendall were going to take the van that they bought last night to go get their angels from the hospital


"Should I park under the main entrance, so it's easier when we get the girls or should I park in the parking garage, and us walking there?" Kendall asks Logan

"I say park in the main entrance cause with two babies and a two year old it won't be easy" Logan tells him

"Okay main entrance it is" Kendall says as they kiss

Kendall and Logan both grab a car seat and the diaper bags and head in to get the girls

(Kyla room)

"Hey princess" Logan tells her when he enters her room

"Papa" she says happily when she sees papa come into the room with what she was going to wear home from the hospital

"Are you ready to come home with your baby sisters?" He asks her as he gets out her outfit that she was going to wear home from the hospital

Kyla nods as papa gets her ready to levels the hospital


"There we go you look very pretty, and ready to go home and play with your new baby sisters" he says as he finishes getting her ready

"Are we going to give the babies a grand tour of the house when we get home?" She asks as they head down to the nursery where daddy was with her sisters

"Yes princess we will give the babies a grand tour" he says with a chuckle as they continue to leave to go to the nursery where the twins were


"Look there's papa and sissy" Kendall says when the twins started crying

"It's okay girls I'm right here" Logan says as he takes both girls in his arms to calm them down

Logan goes to the rocking chair to calm them down

"Tell me all about it" he tells them as they continue to rock in the rocking chair

Pretty soon the twins calmed down and snuggled in papa arms once more

"Now me and daddy have to get you ready, so you guys can come home to stay" he tells them as Kendall takes Brielle to get her ready to come home

Logan takes care of Brynlee

"Daddy, papa I have to go potty" Kyls says to them

"I'll take her since I have Brielle ready" Kendall says to Logan

Kendall takes Kyla to the little girl room, so she could do her business

"Now to get you two in your car seats" Logan tells the two little girls

Logan works carefully as he buckles each of the twins in their car seat

"All we have to do is wait for daddy, and we can take you two home" Logan tells the baby girls who were sleeping peacefully in their car seats

Once Kendall returned the two dads grabbed a car seat and Kyla between them they set out to leave the hospital

'Kyla go sit in your car seat princess while me and daddy secure the babies" Logan tells her

"Okay daddy" she says as she goes to the back of the van to get in her car seat

Once both girls were locked in Logan buckles Kyla in her car seat, and Kendall got ready to take the new family home

(Kendall and Logan place)

"Here we are our princesses home sweet home" Logan says when Kendall pulls into the garage with the van

Kyla was glad to be home once again

"Now to bring the babies in and get them settled" Kendall says to Logan

"Yes and a new chapter in our life starts" Logan says as he gets out to get Brynlee and Kyla

"Here we are girls your new home" Kendall says as he brings Brielle in

"It feels different then we brought Kyla home from the hospital" Logan says as he follows with Brynlee

"Last time you were stitched from the birth" Kendall says with a chuckle

"Don't remind me why we agreed to getting me pregnant so we could start our family was a good idea" Logan says as he puts Brynlee in her swing

"You were a trooper through the labor and delivery process" Kendall says to him

"I know and we have a beautiful two year old to show for it" Logan says as he looks at Kyla who was playing with her baby sisters who woke up when they were some place different then their car seats

"Let's unpack and come down and give the twins a grand tour of the house" Kendall says as he grabs Brielle diaper bag

"Yeah and then it will be time for them to eat again" Logan says as he follows Kendal upstairs

"We better change them before we give them a grand tour" Kendall says before he went upstairs to the nurseries

"Yeah they might be wet" Logan says as he turns aroung to get Brynlee

Kendall and Logan could hear the babies crying from where they were

"And so it starts" Kendall says as he goes and gets Brielle

"Yeah and then we can properly settle in our new lives before the other babies come home from the hospital" Logan says as he gets Brynlee out of her swing

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