Juggling all of the babies

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"Kendall how are we going to do this?" Logan asks him once all of the babies were asleep in their swing or in their crib at the moment. Plus, Kyla was asleep in her bed in her room

"Just take it one step at a time Logie. We can handle Jordyn and the babies together as a team. Nothing can stop us from being their parents completely. Kyla wanted another sibling, and we are going to make sure she has plenty of siblings to play with. She loves her baby sisters, and she cannot wait until they are older a little bit, and she can do fun stuff with them" Kendall says as he hugs Logan tight to make him feel better at the moment since Logan was unsure about juggling four babies all together especially a newborn who needed all of their attention at the moment

"You are right we can do this without messing up all four of these babies lives completely. Even though we got three girls who are ready to talk right now, and getting ready to take on the world completely" Logan says to Kendall when he hears Aspen on the baby monitor calling out for then

"It begins" Kendall says to Logan as they go see about Aspen who was not a happy camper right now

"Yes, it does" Logan says as they head to Aspen's room to get her

When Kendall and Logan entered her nursery, Aspen was standing up in her crib waiting for her mommy and daddy to come and make it all better for her since she wanted them

"Aspen what's the matter sweetie?" Logan asks as he comes over to her crib to get her out to hold her in his arms

Aspen laid her head on mommy

"I think Aspen wanted you Logie" Kendall says to Logan as Logan heads over to the rocking chair to rock Aspen a little bit in his arms to calm her back down, so she could go back to sleep a little bit

"I think so too. I don't mind holding her and making the scary go away for her" Logan says to Kendall as he starts to rock Aspen gently in his arms

"That's good" Kendall says as he goes and gets some warm milk for Aspen cause warm milk always helps when the babies can't sleep without it

"Dada is going to get you some warm milk" Logan says to Aspen as he continues to rock her in his arms a little bit

Kendall comes in with a bottle for Aspen

"Here you go baby doll" Logan says as he gives Aspen the bottle of milk that Kendall brought for her

Aspen suckles the milk for mommy

"There you baby doll" Logan says as he stroke her cheek as she suckles the milk

"I think it is working" Kendall says to Logan as they watch Aspen suckle the milk

"I think so too" Logan says as he continues to rock Aspen who was still suckling the milk, but was holding the bottle like a big girl 

Soon the twins started to cry out for daddy or mommy

"I'll get them" Kendall says as he goes and gets B & B from their room where they were not happy about what woke them up from their slumber

"Thanks Kenny" Logan says to Kendall

Kendall takes the twins to the kitchen to give them some milk to help them sleep

"Daddy knows what helps you girls sleep when you guys have bad dreams" Kendall says as he leads the twins to the kitchen for their bottle of milk that he keeps when the girls can't sleep

Bryn wanted to help get her bottle

"Sweetie you are still too little yet" he says as he puts the bottle in the microwave to heat it up for the girls, so they could have their milk to help them go back to sleep like good little girls

Bryn hated that so much she threw a mini tantrum

"Bryn we must not get mad when daddy says no, he means no" Kendall says as he gives Ellie her bottle cause she was being a good little girl and suckle her milk

Kendall waited for her to settle down before giving her bottle

"There that wasn't so bad now, was it?" he asks as he walks the twins back to their room, so he could put them back in their crib to help them sleep

The girls continues to suckle the bottle as they sat in their crib, they were getting sleepy, so Kendall stood with them until they fell completely asleep

"Night girls sweet dreams" Kendall says as he takes the empty bottles to the kitchen

Logan leaves Aspen's nursery around the same time Kendall left the twin's room

"It sounds like Jordyn woke up from her slumber and is calling out for us" Kendall says to Logan

"It sounds like it can you get her while I get comfortable, so I can nurse her?" Logan asks him

"Sure, i can I don't mind" Kendall says to Logan as he goes and gets Jordyn who was crying her head off at the moment in her swing

"Thanks Kenny" Logan says as he goes to Jordyn's nursery to get comfortable, so he could feed her

"Its okay baby girl mommy is going to feed you" Kendall says as he gets Jordyn out of her swing and carries her to her room where he was going to change her diaper before Logan fed her

Kendall marks whether she had a dirty diaper or a wet diaper before giving her to Logan

"Hey baby doll" Logan says as he accepts Jordyn from Kendall after he changed her diaper

Jordyn settled down and started to root for food

"There you go baby girl" Logan says as he guides Jordyn up for a drink at the bar

Jordyn started to suckle the milk happily for mommy while daddy went to check on Kyla

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