Part 3

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Kendall and Logan pulled into the parking garage and Kendall parked as close as he could and he got Logan out and he got the bags out as well as the car seats for the twins as well as the stroller so when the twins and Logan were released Kendall could push them out and to the car so they could go home and they could get the babies settled in as well cause this was going to be a devil of a ride as well the birth and taking them home as well first they had to go through the labor part for Logan cause he was going to be dealing with the pain of having the twins and then he was going to have the pain of bringing them into the world as well and the aftermath as well

"Let's get checked in and go up to our room" Kendall says as him and Logan head to their room where Logan was going to have the twins at cause he had to handle labor with them and he was hoping that hi labor was going to go according to plan right now and so far it was going according to plan

Kendall and Logan headed down to the room and they were going to get settled in and Logan was going to get in his hospital gown as well , and he was going to walk the halls to help speed labor along cause he did not want to be hooked up quite yet and he was going to get in the shower as well to help wit the contractions cause he was not going to go to the medicine until he really had too or it got too much on him he wants the medicine so he needs comfort

"Okay Kenny I am ready to get this show on the road" Logan says as he came out of the bathroom in his gown and ready to get labor started as well cause he wanted to walk as long as he could and he was going to walk outside since it was a nice night as well so he was going to walk both inside and outside as well cause he wanted to have a natural labor as possible with the twins before medicine and monitoring was involved as well

"Okay let's head out and start walking and timing these things cause I want to you have an easy labor as possible with these babies" Kendall says as him and Logan headed outside first to start walking around the hospital to help jump start labor and get the contraction moving cause if it rains, they are going to walk inside the hospital and jump on the labor ball as well to help things along

Kendall and Logan took off their masks once they were outside and they started walking around the outside of the hospital cause it was a nice day outside as well

"Hopefully i progress quickly" Logan says as they were still walking right now

"Yes, hopefully you do my little Logie" Kendall says as they were walking

When Logan had a contraction, he leaned against the building while Kendall timed the contractions to see how long they last and how far apart they are as well

"You are doing so good Logan" Kendall says as they were still walking right now

"Thanks Kenny I hope the rain holds off" Logan says as they were walking once again to help speed up labor as well

"Me too" Kendall says to him as they started walking once again to help bring on labor cause Logan was in phase 1 now and he wanted to do all the phases without medication right now

Soon it started to rain and Kendall and Logan headed into the hospital to walk there cause Logan wanted to avoid the pain medicine as much as he could right now and it was working and he was doing good for his third delivery as well and he was such a champ too and Kendall was very proud of him of how he was doing with his labor and he was dealing with the pain too cause Logan was holding off as long as he could and so far he was doing good and holding strong as well and he wanted to go back up cause his legs were hurting him from all that walking he did  to help with labor as well   

"Logan, you did so well, and you are stronger then me" Kendall tells him cause Logan was really strong to go through this a third time as well

Logan was just moaning cause he was in a lot of pain right now and he wanted to sleep and get some rest and see how far dilated he was as well cause this was a marathon he was going to finish no matter what happens cause he was ready to finish this marathon and then he was going to be able to get a good rest hopefully if nothing goes wrong

"Logie why don't you get some sleep so you are fully rested for delivery as well cause you are starting to go down a little bit, so sleep a little bit and if the contractions get to be too much we can see what we can do to help relieve some of the pain so you can get some sleep cause you are going to need all of the energy that you can muster to deliver these babies and bring them into the world as well" Kendall says as he was going to make the room a little more calmer for Logan so he could get some sleep too cause labor was slowly taking it's toll on him as well

Logan started to fall asleep as Kendall was massaging him and talking to him in a soothing voice to help keep him calm and relax as well as he slept so peacefully too

more will come just hang tight we still don't have enough help, but we hired someone and he officially starts this week 

Happy 4th

Plus when Wattpad isn't having problems either

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