Getting the other nursery ready

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"Come on Kenny I want to get the other nursery done before the other babies come home" Logan says to him

"Yeah we better since Brynlee and Brielle have been home we haven't started on it much at all" Kendall says to him

"Since the other two are going to be in the hospital for a while we might as well get started on it" Logan says as he heads up to the other nursery

Kendall and Logan cleared out both rooms, and did the one nursery cause Brynlee and brielle were going to be coming home before they knew it, and the other set of twins had to stay in the hospital cause they developed complications from being the dumpster for so long

"What color do we have the one nursery?" Kendall asks Logan

"It's a light yellow" Logan says peeking into the one nursery 

"I'm thinking a light pink for this one" Kendall says to Logan

"That sounds perfect" Logan says as they kiss

Kendall took Kyla to the paint store to get the paint while Logan got the room prepared, and went to get the rollers and the paint trays from when they painted the first nursery. Plus Logan moved the babies to a different part of the house, so they wouldn't breathe in the fumes of the paint

"Papa we're back" Kyla says as she comes into the house

"Kyla are you ready to piant your sisters nursery?" Logan asks the little girl

Kyla nods

"Come on let's put on one of daddy's old shirts, so you don't get paint all over your nice clothes" he says as they head upstairs to the master to get an old paint shirt for Kyla

Kendall measured the paint, so Logan and Kyla could get started on the nursery, and they could go shopping for everything else for the other babies that they were going to bring home from the hospital within the next couple of days


"Now we got to let the paint dry before we put on a second coat" Logan says as he puts his roller down

"What are we going to do next papa?" she asks him

"We are going to go shopping for the other babies" Kendall says as he covers the paint up, so it doesn't dry out

Logan helped Kyla with the paint shirt that she had on, so she could go shopping for everything else that they need when the other babies come home from the hospital

"You guys get to come with mommy and daddy shopping" Kendall says as he enters the one nursery to get Brynlee and Briele ready to go to babies r us

Before they actually left the babies had to be fed and changed, and Kyla needed to be fed as well

"Kyla what would you like for lunch?" Kendall asks her when she came downstairs

Kyla went to the fridge to get what she wanted daddy to make her for lunch since papa was busy with the babies at the moment

"Okay egg sandwich coming up" Kendall says as he toasts the bread for Kyla sandwich that she wanted to have for lunch that day

Kendall made him and Logan a egg sandwich as well for lunch. Once everyone was fed and changed they set off to the baby store to go shopping for the others that were going to be coming hom in a few days

"Kyla go to your car seat, and me or daddy will buckle you in" Logan says as he buckles Brielle in her car seat

Kyla did what she was told and went to her car seat to wait to be buckled in

"Thank you for waiting so patiently" Kendall says as he buckles her in her car that was in the van

"Will the new babies sit by me?" Kyla asks him

"You might be moved to the middle, and one of the babies will be next to you cause me and papa want to have the babies close together in the van" Kendall says as he goes to the driver seat to drive wile Logan follows with the other van

"Daddy can i ride with papa?" Kyla asks him

"Sure but be quick cause we want to leave" Kendall says to her

Logan was comfortable with Kyla riding with him and he thinks that the one that has Brielle and Brynlee should be for the babies and the other should be for Kyla

(Babies r us)

Kendall gets two carts, so the babies could ride in, and Kyla was going to ride on the front of wither cart as they shopped

"What are we going to get forst Logie?" Kendall asks him

"Car seats, and make our way around the store backwards, so all we have to do is check out" Logan says as he buckles Brynless in

"Sounds like a plan" Kendall says as he buckles Brielle in, so she was safe

While shopping Kyla started to get bored, so Kendall got another cart, so Kyla could play on her tablet while they shopped

"There we go all better" Logan says as they head to where the nursery furniture was

Kendall and Logan parked the carts, so they could looks at each of the nursery sets carefully before deciding on which ones that they were going to have in the other nursery

"There all we have to do is get the bedding and more supplies, and toys and we can check out" Kendall says as they head for the strollers

"We are definately going to need another set of double strollers, so the babies aren't crowded" Logan says as they look at each of the strollers carefully before deciding on which one that they were going to have for the other babies

"Next up is bottle holders cause I'm pretty sure we can't feed four babies at the same time" Kendall says with a chuckle

"No we can't and get more binky's and anything else that we need" Logan says as they head to where the bottles were cause they were going to need more bottles for sure as well as formula

After they had their carts filled with everything that they need they checked out, so they could go home and unload everything cause the next day they were going back to the hospital to see the babies

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