Part 3

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Logan started to envision what it might be like if he was pregnant with Brielle and Briella


"Kendall, do we have the names for the girls?" Logan asks him

"Yes, the one is going to be Aspen and the other one is going to be Indie," Kendall says to Logan as they headed in the hospital to get checked in and everything

"Indie, I love that name for our one little girl," Logan says as they head for the desk to get checked in and see where they were going to be as well

"I thought you will love that name for our baby girl," Kendall says as they kissed as they headed in

"I do I can't wait to see who Indie is and who is Aspen," Logan says as they approached the desk to see where they were going to be at during their stay

(Two months later)

The twins were two months old, and Logan was feeling different

"Logan, are you feeling, okay?" Kendall asks him

"No, I think I may be pregnant again and I think we are having another set of twins cause it feels like what I just went through," Logan says as he was going to take a test to see if he was pregnant again and he had a feeling he was pregnant cause they have been doing it a lot lately, so he had a clue what was going on with him

Kendall was going to wait with Logan to see if he was, in fact, pregnant again, and if he was the babies were going to be really close in age and he was fine with that right now

"Now we wait to see what the results are," Logan says after he had taken the test

"I hope you isn't pregnant," Kendall says as he was looking at Logan

"If I am I, am I will love these babies just like the rest of the babies," Logan says as he was waiting to see what the test had said

Logan was going to be pregnant again, so he was going to make an appointment to see the doctor to see how far along he was in the pregnancy

(Months later)

Logan had to wait to see the doctor this time around cause the doctor was booked up, and he was simply fine with that cause he was able to see if he was going to be having one baby or two babies like last time and he knew he was going to be having twins cause his stomach was getting bigger like how it was the last time he was pregnant

"Logie, I am working on the nursery for these babies," Kendall says as he was loving on Logan right now cause he had loved Logan with all his heart and he was excited he was going to be a dad for the sixth time and he was loving every minute of it cause he was with the love of his life and having a family that he was treasure these moments for the rest of his life, and he could not wait to love them just like the rest of them

"That's fine I can't believe I get to go through this once again," Logan says to him

"Me either Logan I am so excited to be expanding our little family and have all of these amazing kids with us, and they will be lucky to have us as their parents," Kendall says to him

I know they are really lucky not to be in an orphanage where they will be abused" Logan says as he was thinking about the babies and what they were cause he was hoping they were girls and he wanted to have a gender reveal party this time around to see what they were having

"You want to have a gender party?" Kendall asks him

"Yes, cause the suspense is killing me on what these babies are," Logan says as he was rubbing his bump right now

"Okay I will get that setup, so we can have a party with the two girls and everyone that we know, and we will see what we are having," Kendall says as he kisses Logan

Logan was happy he was finally going to see what he was having cause the suspense was killing him on the inside as well cause we really wanted to know

(Weeks later)

Logan was really happy it was the day they were going to find out what they were having, and he was team pink while Kendall was team blue, and the others were either team pink or team blue

"I am ready to find out the gender of these cute babies," Logan says as he was looking down at his bump right now

"Me too that way we can do the names," Kendall says cause they had the names set in stone for the day as well

"Little Brielle and Briella, and Evie, and Brandon, and Ben and Henry," Logan says as he was remembering the names right now, they had chosen for the babies cause it was going to be one for the books and Logan had his motorcycle set up for the gender reveal cause that was going to do both babies


Kendall and Logan were going to be having twin's girls and little Brielle and Briella was on their merry way to meet their siblings as well which was going to be exciting for them eventually, and they were not going to have a little boy quite yet, but Kendall was not giving up hope for a little boy down the road

"I am loving the nursery for these girls" Logan says as he was in the room that Kendall was working on for them

"I am too it turned out pretty good" Kendall says as he was going to touch Logan's stomach where the babies were

"I can't wait till they are here" Logan says to him

Part 4 will come next day off when I do not know right now cause my schedule on a roller coaster ride, and it still is, but it might change

Part 4 is up and I hope to continue

Kendall and Logan's dumpster baby girls wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now