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Kendall and Logan were excited to have Christmas with all of their kids cause this was going to be the first of many Christmases with them especially the one's that they have adopted and it was fun and scary at the same time since many of them didn't have a Christmas before or if they have never seen Santa either or even Christmas lights for that matter too

"Look at all of the pretty lights" Logan says as he was with the younger one's since they wanted to see the tree twinkle, and Kendall and Logan had smaller trees in each of the rooms 

Their kids just sat there and watched as the tree twinkled so pretty

"I can't wait to see their faces on Christmas morning when they open their gifts" Kendall says as he came in to be with the kids for a little bit 

"Me either that is going to be a great day many of these kids have not got a single gift in their live at that horrible orphanage" Logan says as he was holding one of the little one's in his arms since they wanted to snuggle with papa at the moment and that was fine with him 

"I know they won't know what to do when they see the presents under the tree" Kendall says as he shakes his head at Logan since he was with the kids on the floor and cuddling with some of them which was okay for him 

"These kids sure are special and have been on the nice list since they have been adopted" Logan says as he was getting up to get the babies since they were up as well

Kendall goes with Logan while the little kids stayed in front of the tree watching it glow and twinkle

"Hey girls" Kendall and Logan says as they come into the twins room to get them cause they were divas if they weren't picked up first 

"Bryn be good okay or Santa won't come in a few days" Kendall says as Logan gets her sister

"Jordyn hold on baby girl papa is going to get you next" Logan calls when he hears the baby of the family crying out for attention as well 

"Logan go I got the twins" Kendall says to him

Logan goes and gets Jordyn from her room 

(Jordyn's room)

"Hey baby girl" Logan says as he came into the room to get her

Jordyn was happy that mommy was in the room 

"Come on it's your first Christmas baby doll, and mommy does not want you to miss it" Logan says as he picked her up from her crib and was going to change her before bringing her down to be with her siblings 

"Oh baby you're0 warm" he says when he felt her forehead 

Logan was going to check her temp to see if she had a fever or something 

"I hope you are better by Christmas love" Logan says as he was changing her since she was wet

Once she was changed Logan checked her temp and it was a little high

"I'll keep you away from your siblings love" he says as he was talking to her as he held her close 


"Sounds like the babies are up Logie" Kendall says when he heard the babies on the monitor crying up a storm since they wanted to have daddy and papa come and let them out of their cribs 

"Sounds like it" Logan says as he gets up and was going to help Kendall with all of the babies a little bit before turning on all of the Christmas lights for the little kids since they set everything up the night before for the kids 

Logan got Jordyn first since she was recovering from RSV, and she wanted mommy to hold her close

"Hey Jordyn merry Christmas love" Logan says as he was holding her in his arms 

Jordyn was cooing up a storm as mommy was holding her close  

"You hungry sweetie?" Logan asks as he was going to nurse her first before helping Kendall with the others 

Logan got comfortable as he was nursing her and he was going to help Kendall with the kids later on since they set up everything after they had put the kids to bed the night before since the kids might want to open their presents after breakfast and they were going to take a family picture to hang on the wall with all of the kids around the tree  


Kendall and Logan had all of the kids in their dress clothes and got ready for the picture 

"Okay tallest in the back and the shortest in the front so we can see all of your pretty eyes" Kendall says as he was holding one of the babies in his arms since Logan was going to figure out where the babies were going to go for the picture once the kids were in position 

The kids started to get into a fight about who was standing where and they could not see daddy or papa from where they were, and some of them were ready for a nap already and they had only opened half of their presents, and some of them didn't want to have a picture taken either 

"I think after this I think a little down time is in the cards after this is all over Logie cause they need it" Kendall says to Logan 

"I think so too so all of the kids that are under three will have down time" Logan says as he was setting up the baby seats for the babies so they could be in the picture as well with their older siblings and their parents 

"I promise this will be quick little ones" Kendall says as he was setting up the camera for the picture and getting the timer on so Kendall and Logan could be in the picture with all of the kids 

Once the timer was set Kendall and Logan got into place with the babies that wanted to be held 

"Okay kids say Merry Christmas" Kendall says as the timer was getting ready to go off 

"Merry Christmas" everyone says as the timer went off 

"Let's see how that turned out" Kendall says as he went over to the camera to see about the picture

Kendall was pleased with the picture so a funny one was in the cards this time

"Now let's do some funny pictures for the fun of it and just let loose a little bit then we can do whatever" Kendall says to the kids as he set the timer once again for the pictures

Some of the kids were excited and ready for some funny pictures this time around and they got to act goofy and be silly and wear their fun Christmas hats for some of the pictures which they loved to wear a lot during the holidays


"I think some down time is needed for kids under three now" Logan says to the kids as Kendall went to get the pictures sent out to James and Carlos for the holidays 

V & C

Kendall and Logan's dumpster baby girls wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now