Part 6

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Kendall parked the car and he helped Logan out of the car so they could head into class that night cause it was the fifth time they were going to be going through it

"The only thing I might want to do tonight is book the room," Logan says cause the doctor wanted to induce Logan this time around

"That is fine cause I know the doctor is going to be inducing you with this pregnancy cause of the scare you had earlier and he wants to play it safe," Kendall says as they were walking in the hospital

Logan got the room booked and the recovery room as well cause he wanted the girls to be with him right after he has the twins cause this time it is a big deal

"Okay let's head to Lamaze" Kendall says as they head to the classroom so they could do Lamaze that night

"Yeah I am going to need it this time around" Logan says as they headed there

Logan signed himself in and he went to where Kendall was with the mats

"Logie I got you all set up" Kendall says as Logan took off his shoes and was going to keep

"Thanks Kenny I will need it this round for sure" Logan says as he was going to get comfortable the best that he could right now

Kendall helped Logan with everything and he got a small motorcycle for his object cause Logan loved riding that thing and since he was in his third trimester he could not ride it and that broke him, but he was excited to get back on it once he has the twins cause that what made him happy the most right now

"I know and I will be right here the whole time" Kendall says as he was going to make Logan comfortable

"I know you will and I can't wait till these miracles are here" Logan says as he was talking about the twins right now

"Me either that day will be huge" Kendall says as they kissed as they were enjoying it right now

"Yeah it will be and I can't wait till they are in my arms" Logan says as he was still relaxed as could be right now cause he wanted to let his body do what it does best and let the girls get bigger so they can make their appearance soon and Logan will not be pregnant anymore and he will get over it soon, and then he will be able to enjoy all of the girls right now until he gets that itch again to be pregnant again and go through it again and wait until he can go back through it again

"I know what you mean Logie I can't wait to hold them in my arms as well and then we can cuddle the twins until i go get the others and bring them to the hospital to see the new bundles of joy that is in our family and watch them grow and change as well " Kendall says as he kisses Logan right now and then he kisses Logan's belly where the girls were right now just chilling and getting bigger and gaining weight as well so they can be born in a few months

"I am worried about labor and the birth is all and I don't know if I will be able to handle it this time around like I did last pregnancy" Logan says as he was looking down at his bump where the girls were right now

"I am going to be right here the whole time cheering you on and being your rock as you go through it" Kendall says as the class started that night, and the nurse saw that  Kendall and Logan were veterans of class that night and she wanted them to share their experience of why they want to keep going through it every time , and what they get  out of every class that they take 

"I know you will and we will have the best girls around Kenny" Logan says as they kissed

Kendall and Logan shared their experiences of doing Lamaze classses before a new birth happens and they are grateful for each new experience that they learn about to help them with their birth plan 

"Thank you we will seeing you guys for another round in the future again I believe" the nurse tells them

"Yup Logan loves being pregnant and going through this" Kendall says as he helps Logan onto the mat  again for class that night cause he was going to be going through this twice and they didn't know if they will be back to back or spaced out when Logan goes into labor and Logan was hoping they  will be spaced out this time cause he needed that time to recharge from each of the births and he could not wait to do it time and time again  with each of the births

Logan was focused as could be as he was doing Lamaze that night cause the time was going to be coming soon and he was going to be a mama or a papa again 


"I got the tour set up again cause this round and probably every round is going to be different every time  you go through it" Kendall says as they were leaving the class that night 

"Good good I got to get the nursing appointment set up as well cause I am planning on feeding these girls myself cause i want that connection with all of our kids " Logan says as he was walking with Kendall that night back to the car , so they could go home 

"Of course you do Logie and when you need that rest I am going to pull my weight as well and I will feed the twins so you can sleep cause you will need your sleep" Kendall tells Logan 

"Thanks Kenny I knew you were in this with me and with our family that is ever growing" Logan says as they kissed 

Logan felt the twins kick his stomach 

"I think the girls liked that" Kendall says as he was looking at Logan 

"I think so to" Logan says as they headed home that night cause he was going to take a shower and rest cause they had their showers that weekend and they will be getting a lot of things that they need for the twins 

(Days later)

Kendall made sure the hospital was aware of the tour that they had scheduled and were ready when they arrived cause they had their two girls that they were going to be bringing with them for the tour so they can see where papa was going to be having the babies at cause every tour the hospital goes above and beyond for it's patients when it comes to new babies coming into the world right now, and the girls were excited to go and see the nursery and everything else as well too cause they wanted to see how big the waiting room was cause they were going to be spaced out 

Part 7 will come I swear right now we are short staffed like bad at both stores, but we got help one at one store and we got the one grocery guy back with us  

Kendall and Logan's dumpster baby girls wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now