Halloween party

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I am super sorry that this chapter is really later and if i want to do a holiday chapter in the future I am just going to put it up instead of making you guys wait forever and ever for me to put it up and wait for the views to be up so it can finally go up I hope you guys like it and remember to vote at the end of this and tell me what you think of the chapter

Kendall and Logan that they were going to have two costume parties one for the kids during the day and one at night with just them and the kids can watch a movie or something during the grown up costume party, and if they don't and their friends want to stay longer that is fine cause the kids costume party can be outside and the grown ups can take turns checking on the kids before one of them takes them trick or treating that night and the kids can come home for a movie or something while the adult party is still going on

"Hey Kenny" Logan says as he came in with Jordyn in his arms cause she was up from her nap earlier then normal

"Hey Logie hey Jordyn" Kendall says as he saw the baby that was wide awake and was looking around at her surroundings

"Everything is coming together" Logan says as he was having a cracker

"Yeah I can't wait for the parties the girls are excited" Kendall says as he was wondering why Logan looked a little pale then normal

"I know they can't stop talking about it cause they want their friends to stay the night that night, and we have to make sure it is okay with their parents as well before we get everything settled" Logan says as he went to the kitchen for something

"We will have to see" Kendall says as he was wondering what Logan was going to be cause he had to see where he put the huge tent at

The girls kept trying on their costumes cause they found out that night is trick or treat and they wanted to go during the party and that was fine with Kendall and Logan cause Carlos and Alexa was going to take them around so they could get candy during the party and watch the babies as well for them since Logan was under a lot of stress with everything that has been going on lately so Kendall thought Logan was sick

(Day of the costume party)

"Girls your friends will be here soon, so come down here please girls" Logan says as he was calling to the girls so they could come and greet their guests cause Kendall was in the backyard finishing setting up for the costume party since everyone was coming and the guys were going to be there to help with the games and everything cause there was a lot of kids coming to the party

The girls came down so they could greet their guests and have a great time playing games and eating of course since Kendall and Logan made everything the night before the kid's party, so they could supervise the fun and make sure all of the kids had a great time playing and just having fun

"Sounds like your first guest is here" Kendall says as he opened the door for the guests to come in and have some fun too with the girls

Logan went to make sure everything was in place and the inflatables were safe as well cause he did not want any of the kids flying away if the wind kicked up

"Remember girls take your guest to the backyard once your sibling is out there you can come in until all of your friends are here, and then you guys can have fun together doing whatever you like" Kendall says cause he wants the kids to be good host and treat their friends with kindness and everything so they might come back later on down the road    

The girls nodded as they took each guest out to the backyard and some started to play games and had a lot of fun and they wanted to stay the night that night for sure cause it was a blat 


"Logan are you okay you don't look like yourself and you have been getting sick every morning for as long as i can remember" Kendall says as they were heading to the backyard where the party was in full swing right now, and the kids were having a good time  

"I am fine" Logan says as he ran to the bathroom again to get sick once more 

"Something is telling me otherwise" Kendall says as he was looking at Logan cause Logan has been getting sick a lot lately, and Kendall was worried about him  

"Kenny I'm fine just something is not agreeing with me is all" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall as they headed out to the yard to be with the kids as they were having their party 

"Okay I will keep an eye on you Logan" Kendall says as he was looking at Logan who grabbed some crackers as they headed out to the backyard 

Kendall and Logan loved hearing the kids until Jordyn woke up and she wanted mommy 

"I'll go and get her" Logan says as he went into the house to get the baby from her nursery 

Kendall checked to make sure all of the kids were having and they were some stopped to have some food that James was cooking on the grill and Alexa was giving out carnival treats to the kids and they loved those as well and Carlos was video taping this with his drone and the kids loved the drone that was at the party as well and Carlos tried to avoid the trees at all cost as he was flying that thing  

"Looks like the party is a huge success" Kendall says as he sees the kids interact with one and another spending some time outside of their comfort zone 

"Yes it is" Logan says as he come out with Jordyn who wanted mommy, and was dressed in her cute little costume

(That night)

James decided he was going to go with Carlos and Alexa to help with the kids as they went trick or treating, and he was going to be pushing the babies in the stroller as they went from house to house getting candy while Kendall and Logan were at home with their party and having a lot of fun with the grown-ups, and Logan didn't feel like wearing his costume just yet cause the baby bump was starting to form and Kendall was going to see that Logan was in fact pregnant again, and Logan wanted to wait a little longer to tell Kendall and the kids that there was going to be a new baby added to the mix sometime in the new year, and Logan was hiding it until he found the perfect time to tell Kendall the news as well as the kids that he was expecting another baby and that baby was going to be close to Jordyn in age and that was fine with Logan until then Logan was going to keep it under wraps until the next doctor's appointment when they see the baby on the screen, and that was not going to be for a couple more weeks when he will get to see the baby again, and he was excited this time cause he was going to be letting the secret out of the bag and everyone will know about the new baby        

V & C

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