Part 4

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Kendall and Logan took off their masks once they were outside and they started walking around the outside of the hospital cause it was a nice day outside as well

"Hopefully i progress quickly" Logan says as they were still walking right now

"Yes, hopefully you do my little Logie" Kendall says as they were walking

When Logan had a contraction, he leaned against the building while Kendall timed the contractions to see how long they last and how far apart they are as well

"You are doing so good Logan" Kendall says as they were still walking right now

"Thanks Kenny I hope the rain holds off" Logan says as they were walking once again to help speed up labor as well

"Me too" Kendall says to him as they started walking once again to help bring on labor cause Logan was in phase 1 now and he wanted to do all the phases without medication right now

Soon it started to rain and Kendall and Logan headed into the hospital to walk there cause Logan wanted to avoid the pain medicine as much as he could right now and it was working and he was doing good for his third delivery as well and he was such a champ too and Kendall was very proud of him of how he was doing with his labor and he was dealing with the pain too cause Logan was holding off as long as he could and so far he was doing good and holding strong as well and he wanted to go back up cause his legs were hurting him from all that walking he did to help with labor as well

"Logan, you did so well, and you are stronger then me" Kendall tells him cause Logan was really strong to go through this a third time as well

Logan was just moaning cause he was in a lot of pain right now and he wanted to sleep and get some rest and see how far dilated he was as well cause this was a marathon he was going to finish no matter what happens cause he was ready to finish this marathon and then he was going to be able to get a good rest hopefully if nothing goes wrong

"Logie why don't you get some sleep so you are fully rested for delivery as well cause you are starting to go down a little bit, so sleep a little bit and if the contractions get to be too much we can see what we can do to help relieve some of the pain so you can get some sleep cause you are going to need all of the energy that you can muster to deliver these babies and bring them into the world as well" Kendall says as he was going to make the room a little more calmer for Logan so he could get some sleep too cause labor was slowly taking it's toll on him as well

Logan started to fall asleep as Kendall was massaging him and talking to him in a soothing voice to help keep him calm and relax as well as he slept so peacefully too, and then Kendall was going to get some sleep as well cause he was getting tired as well from being with Logan and helping him as well with his labor as well cause he had to be strong for Logan and keep him focused as he could and as much as possible too cause he needed it

"Logie if the contractions pick up as well, we can try something else" Kendall says as he was going to get some sleep as well cause Kendall started to feel sleep coming on so he was going to sleep when Logan slept as well

Logan moans in his sleep as well cause he was sound asleep right now and he did not want to be disturb for anything right now so Kendall was going to leave him be as well and he was going to get some sleep as well cause the nurse was going to come in soon to get Logan started on a I.V and hook him up to some monitors as well and she was going to check him as well to see how far he had progressed with his labor as well and if he wasn't that far she was gong to leave him alone as well and she was going to check on him later as well to see how far he had progressed as well cause she was going to leave him sleep as well

(Much later)

Logan was going to get into the shower and bounce on the labor ball cause it was going to help him cause the contractions woke him up and they were more painful and the doctor wanted him to bounce to help him cause he had to deliver the babies somehow, and he wanted the pain to end as well  cause this was torture on him as well and he was very miserable as well and he was going to be glad when he could get some pain relief as well cause he was going to be ready for some type of pain relief as well and Kendall was going to help Logan with his pain relief as well cause he was going to massage his whole body and he was going to let him squeeze his hand when he needed it as well cause Logan was going to be hitting the rocky waters of labor as well  with the harder contractions and he will be wanting that epidural sooner rather then later of course and Kendall was going to stay by his side as he gets that epidural to help cause the contractions were starting to get to be too much on him as well too

"Logan I hope you can hang on till you can get some pain relief" Kendall says as he was in the shower with him as well

"I hope so too cause this contractions are like driving on a bumpy road, and I feel like they are getting more intense as well" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall cause Kendall was the reason he was in this mess again cause Kendall wanted to make sure Logan was always happy cause he knew if he said anything wrong or made a wrong decision or move he was going to be sleeping on the couch as well too so he was going to keep to himself as well while Logan was in labor cause he was not going to made him even more mad then what he was cause the contractions was making him really mad and Kendall was hoping that he would get the epidural when the window is open as well cause it will make Logan more happier and more calmer as well too cause Kendall hated seeing Logan like this as well

"Logan hang in there you got this" Kendall says as he was looking at him as he was riding the contractions as they came as well and Logan tried to think of positive thoughts as well cause Logan wanted this over

More will come hopefully

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