Brielle & Brynlee crawl

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"Here we go and not a moment too soon either" Kendall says as he comes out with some food for the babies that were getting hungry a little bit that night

"Yeah they were getting fussy some food will do the trick and get them to settle down on their own a little bit" Logan says as he was giving the babies some food to help them sleep as Kendall started to load up all of the diapers and everything that they were going to need with the babies

Kendall was loading everything that he bought in the back so they could head home and get the babies settled in cause it was going to be a long night for them with Jordyn and all of the babies

"Now daddy and papa is going to take you all home" Logan says as he was feeding the babies as well as Kendall got back on the bus so they could go home with all of the babies

"Yes we will and you guys will see where you guys are going to grow up at, and tonight you guys are going to sleep with us tonight for a while until you guys are comfortable sleeping in your own rooms" Kendall says to Logan as he started the bus back up to head home with the little ones

"Then all of you will have your own rooms to sleep in" Logan says as Kendall was pulling into the huge garage that they had for the bus with all of the little ones on board

Kendall helps Logan with all of the little ones and getting them in the house before they had to do the bedtime routine with all of the older ones as well as the little one's cause they had to include the new one's into the picture as well that night for the first time. Kayla and her sister wanted to stay in daddy's and papa's room that night and Kendall and Logan agreed to it cause it made sense to have a sleepover in the room so the new one's can get to know their siblings a little bit as well that night

(Days later)

The new ones have settled in just fine and were sleeping in their room and some of them were still wanting to be with Kendall and Logan so they were weaning them into their rooms slowly and it was going good so far

"Hey there are my two favorite girls" Logan says as he came over to where Brynlee & Ellie were playing with their toys happily since the older girls were playing with the other one's right now and watching Jordyn since Logan wanted to spend some time with the first set of babies that they had cause they have been feeling left out lately so Logan was going to be with them for a little bit and maybe take them outside so they could play in the grass for a bit since it was so nice outside

Ellie loved her papa the most

"Okay come here big girl and let's head outside so you two can play a little bit in the yard" Logan says as he picked them up together and carried them out of the house

Logan placed them in the yard and the girls saw the playhouses that were outside and they wanted to see what was inside the playhouses so they started to crawl to the house

"Oh my god girls are you two going to crawl for papa today?" Logan asks when he saw the twins got ready to crawl off of their blanket and to the playhouse in question

The babies just smiled at him as they were heading to where they wanted to go and that was to the playhouse to see what was inside

"I got to get the camera and record this for daddy cause he is going to be so happy that you girls are crawling, and that means he will have to baby proof the house for you girls" Logan says as he went back into the house to get the camera for the girls so he could record them crawling for Kendall since he was not home right now to see that they were crawling cause he was on tour again with his friend Dustin leaving Logan all alone with the kids and the babies as well

The girls were smiling up a storm as they were crawling to the playhouse

"I think you girls better go see your little playhouse that daddy has made for you girls as well cause I don't think that Kayla will be very happy if you two were in her playhouse and getting into her things girls cause she will know that the babies have been outside" Logan says as he locked the door to Kayla's playhouse cause since they had so many babies each of the babies were going to have their own playhouse as they got bigger and were going to be outside more, and each playhouse had a second level that had a bed with it so if the kids wanted to spend the night out there they could and it had everything like the big house had except for it's own bathroom so if the kids had to use the potty at all they had to come into the house to use the potty

Logan helped each of the twins inside their playhouse so they could play a little bit with their toys that were in there

"Look Brynlee your sister is next door in her little house too" Logan says as he sees little Ellie stand up and look out the window of her house cause they had a small window down low for the babies so they could look out as well

Brynlee was happy to see sissy in her house

"Okay you two i think we should head in cause it looks like it is going to rain and i hate to have you girls get sick" Logan says as he helped the twins out of their playhouse and back to the house so they could play there with their siblings and they could crawl about as well if they wanted, and Logan could keep an eye on them too so they don't get into trouble like they do sometimes when they weren't looking

Logan put a movie on for the girls to watch cause he had to feed Jordyn her meal and Kayla and Lizzy were in charge of the babies for papa until daddy came home

V & C

Kendall and Logan's dumpster baby girls wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now