Leighton's homecoming

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"Well Leighton welcome home baby doll this is where you are going to grow up at sweetie with all of your sisters and some of your brothers" Kendall says as he opens the door for Logan who had the baby in his arms that was starting to drift off to sleep slowly

"This is where you are going to grow up pretty girl" Logan says as he kisses her forehead as they head for the house so they could get her settled in her new home where she is going to grow up at for the rest of her life 

Kendall opened the door for Logan and they headed in with Leighton who was looking around at where she was at and the noises that she can hear cause she woke up from her short slumber

"I'm going to get the cake and the balloons" Kendall says to Logan as he heads back out so they could start the party to welcome Leighton home from the hospital

"Okay I'm going to get her ready for the party" Logan says as he goes and gets Leighton ready for her homecoming party

"Sounds like a plan" Kendall says as he gets the older girls involved with getting everything ready for the party cause they wanted to make Leighton feel welcome

Logan puts Leighton in a cute party dress and takes her to be introduced to her sisters that were around her age but she was going to be behind development wise cause she was in the hospital for the longest time, but she will catch up on no time to her sisters and be on the same page

"You look really pretty baby girl and now you are going to get to know your sisters right now and who you will be bunking with" Logan says as he takes her to see her sisters who were probably playing or something

Logan blew raspberries on her tummy and she liked it

"You are a happy girl aren't you sweetie?" He asks as he continues to take her to meet her sisters for the first time since she was brought home from the hospital

Leighton continues to laugh as she was being carried to meet her sisters for the first time

"Girls I have someone I would like you to meet" Logan says as he arrives at where the girls were playing happily with their toys and babbling up a storm as they played

Aspen comes over to see who was going to be joining them

"Aspen say hello to Leighton your sister" Logan says as he puts Leighton down so the girls could get to know her a little bit better

Aspen gives her sister a kiss to welcome her to the group

"Aspen that was really sweet of you" he says when he sees her kiss her sister

Brynlee and Brielle come over to see who was going to be playing with them

"Bryn, Elle say hello to Leighton your new sister" Logan says as he sits with the babies since Kyla and Lizzy were helping daddy with decorations for the homecoming cause Logan wanted Leighton to feel welcome when she came home from the hospital

Elle checked her over first before she left cause she didn't want to be with the new girl. Bryn on the other hand hit her new sister and that made Leighton cry cause that hurt

"Bryn that wasn't very nice at all" Logan says as he scolds the baby that was being a very bad baby

"What happened?" Kendall asks as he comes in to see what happened

"Bryn hit Leighton is all" Logan says as he hands Leighton to Kendall so she could get to know her other sisters as well

"Oh lord" Kendall says to Logan as he takes Leighton to meet her big sisters since the house was decorated already for the party

"Kyla, Lizzy come here" Kendall says as he brings the upset baby to meet her big sisters

Kyla and Lizzy come to see daddy

"Kyla would you like to work your magic to soothe your sister?" Kendall asks her since Leighton wasn't settling down anytime soon at all

"Sure daddy" Kyla says as she takes her new sister to her room to work her magic since Kendall had to go and supper that night for the homecoming

Kyla played with her sister as they were heading to her room

"Leighton it's okay your big sister is on the job" Kyla says as she talks to the baby who was not a happy baby right now

As Kyla was heading to her room she heard Jordan wake up from her nap

"Well Leighton you might as well meet Jordan your other sister who isn't mean at all" Kyla says as she heads to Jordan's room to entertain both sisters since Jordan was up from her nap

Kyla sets Leighton down so she could get Jordan out of her crib

"Jordan you are going to be in for a show today sissy" Kyla says as she goes and gets her puppets

Jordan loved sissy puppet show that she does after she had woke up from her slumber


"Kyla sweetie it's supper time" Logan says as he comes into Jordan's nursery where Kyla was entertaining three of her sisters cause Aspen knew her sister was doing her puppet show and she loved her shows that she does for her sisters

"Okay papa" Kyla says as she tries to get up but she ends up falling back down on her butt cause her feet have fallen asleep from sitting down too long

"Once I take the babies to daddy I will come back and get you so you can have supper tonight sweetie" he says as he takes the babies to the kitchen for supper that night

Kyla waited for papa to come so she could have supper cause she was getting hungry, and wanted to see what daddy was making for supper that night

"Ready to have supper princess?" He asks as he comes back to the room  to get her for supper that night cause Kendall got something that she might like to try 

She nods as he picks her up

"You are light as a feather princess" he says as he carries her to the kitchen

Kyla smiles as she was being carried to the kitchen for supper that night

"Tonight we get to have your favorite cake after to welcome Leighton home from the hospital" Logan says as he talks to her as they head to the kitchen

Kyla was excited to have cake that night for the party

"I know you like cake princess" he says as they enter the kitchen that night for supper

Logan puts Kyla in her booster seat for supper that night and served her some supper that night since Kendall gave Lizzy dinner too when she came to the kitchen to eat with her parents 

"I think we should say grace before our meal tonight" Kendall says to Logan

"Yes we have a lot to be thankful for" Logan says as he holds Leighton in his arms who was going to sleep

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