Kyla's dream

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I still can't believe Kyla is ours" Kendall says as he got in bed with Logan that night

"I know and Jordyn is ours too, and the others are our adopted kids" Logan says as he was getting in bed that night

"I love them to death I am glad we had Kyla first though" Kendall says as he cuddles Logan

"Night Kenny" Logan says as he goes to sleep

"Night Logie" Kendall says as he goes to sleep 

That night both of the dreamt about Kyla

(I am fast forwarding to after the birth when they are bonding with her in the hospital room it will be just the two of them no one else)

Here she is" the doctor says as he cleans out Kyla's airway as she continues to cry after she was delivered and taken from her home

"She is gorgeous" Kendall says when he gets a glimpse of Kyla right after she was born as the doctor was cleaning out her nose and her mouth still to make sure nothing was left over from being inside Logan

"Can i hold her?" Logan asks the doctor as he laid back on the hospital bed cause he was exhausted but not enough to hold her in his arms right after she was born cause he wanted that bond immediately from the get go with Kyla

"Of course here we go to mommy little one" the doctor says as he hands Kyla to Logan after she was cleaned out good as she continued to cry up a storm cause she did not being pushed out of her home

"Hi Kyla it's okay you are with mommy now sweetie" Logan says when he sees her for the first time after she had been delivered

"Hi Kyla" Kendall says when he sees Kyla for the first time after she had been born

"Kenny she has your nose" Logan says when he sees Kyla have Kendall's nose

"She has your hair, and your mouth" Kendall says as Kyla continues to cry cause she was ripped from her home

"Oh baby it's okay mommy has you now little one" Logan says as he soothes her a little bit to let her know that she was okay and mommy was there for her no matter what

Kendall got to cut her cord , and Kyla didn't like that at all

"Baby you will get get nutrients from mommy still" Logan says as he continues to hold her in his arms as she continued to cry up a storm cause the soothing wasn't working at all for her

Soon Kyla had to be taken away to be measured and weighed and she hated that completely

"Can i have her back?" Logan asks the nurse as he delivered the afterbirth

"Once we get her wrapped up" the nurse says to him as she was putting a diaper on Kyla

"I prefer her not to be in a blanket" Logan says to the nurse as he was delivering the afterbirth

The nurse hands Kyla back to Logan in anger

"Hey sweetie" he says as he holds her in his arms after he had delivered the afterbirth, and his legs were taken down from the stir-ups

Kyla started to settle down once she was with mommy once again in her arms cause Kyla knew mommy's voice from the womb

"She has dark blue eyes so she will have your eyes Logie" Kendall says to Logan once Kyla opened her eyes after a while cause she heard mommy's heartbeat and that helped her calm down a bit more

"Yeah she will" Logan says as him and Kendall admire Kyla for a little bit before he had to go up to maternity

Soon Kyla started to get fussy once again

"What's wrong pumpkin?" Logan asks her as he starts to rock her in his arms a little bit before he got moved to a bed to go up to maternity where everyone was waiting to meet Kyla, and welcome her to the family

"I think she didn't like being pulled from her home is all, and she doesn't like the outside world" Kendall says as he strokes Kyla's cheek a little bit

"She might be hungry" Logan says as he tries to nurse her a little bit before he was moved up to maternity

Kyla wasn't hungry, so Logan and Kendall sang to her and she went right to sleep as she sucked on her fingers as she slept peacefully on mommy

"Coming into the world is hard work huh Kyla?" Kendall asks her

"I think it is" Logan says to Kendall with a chuckle as he watches Kyla sleep finally

Logan fell asleep once he was in the room and Kendall had Kyla

"Kyla you are going to be loved very much and mommy will love you too" Kendall says as he was holding her once he wrapped her up in a blanket 

Kendall sat down with her and watch as she was sleeping 

(Much later)

"Logie i think she is hungry" Kendall says as he was holding a not so happy Kyla in his arms 

Logan got ready to nurse her 

"Here we go baby" Logan says as he was feeding her first meal 

Kyla latched on and started to eat for her mommy 

"She is such a good baby" Kendall says as he looks at her as she ate happily for mommy 

"I know and it has been easy thanks for watching her so i could sleep" Logan says as Kendall closes the door so they could have privacy with just the two of them  

"Welcome i am going to get food for the both of us" Kendall says as he kisses Logan 

"Okay i will be right here with Kyla" Logan says as he was still nursing her as she ate like a trooper 

Logan and Kyla was released two days later  to go home 

"Ready to come home?" Kendall asks as he came into the room with the car seat for Kyla since she was getting her check-up and getting ready to come home 

"Ready for sure i can't wait to be home" Logan says as he was showering and getting ready to come home  and get settled in with their daughter 

"I can't wait to have you home as well as Kyla" Kendall says as he was going to dress Kyla once she was back in the room 

Logan came out later and put on his slippers since he wanted to be comfy going home with the baby since he was going to be in a wheelchair as he was leaving the hospital to go home and get their baby girl settled in for her new life   

  By the by go check out btrjamesheffrondrive adoption book it is the best 

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