Getting the new one's settled

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"Okay last one is ready to go" Logan says as he finished the last one of the girls who was really special

"The last boy is ready to go too" Kendall says to Logan after he put the shoes on the little boy

"Let's get them into the wagon so we can head home and get them settled in I think it might be a long night" Logan says to Kendall

"That sounds like a plan Logie, and yes it might be a long night for all of us" Kendall says to him as they share a kiss

"I love you" Logan says to Kendall

"I love you too Logan" Kendall says to him after they had kissed before leaving the hospital to go home with the babies

Logan and Kendall were able to put the babies in a seat on the wagon train, and some didn't like the wagon train especially the one's that were going to be special

"Sweetie I know you don't like it but you have to be in here for safety purposes and then after you guys outgrow it you will be able to be on a rope okay princess" Logan says as he comforts the one that was special and she didn't like being in the wagon with her siblings as they were leaving the hospital to go home

Logan rocked her gently and that got her to settle down a little bit

"Papa will be beside you the whole way out of here and once we get to the bus you will be in your car seat" Logan says as he places her in the wagon to go home again

She wasn't having nothing of it she didn't want to be in there with her brother she wanted her mommy

"Oh no" Kendall says to Logan

"Oh no is right" Logan says to Kendall as he picks the baby girl up and holds her close to him

"Now we wait for when the others are going to be coming home" Kendall says as they leave the hospital with all of the little ones

"They won't come home for a while longer Kenny, and when that day comes I can't wait to have all of the babies home with us" Logan says as they leave the hospital to go home with the babies that were coming home

"Me either" Kendall says to Logan as they head out to the van to go home with the babies and get them settled in  

Logan helped Kendall get all of the babies and the little one's in the bus so they could head home

"It's okay guys papa is going to be with you the whole time" Logan says as Kendall was handing him each of the babies so they could be buckled in their car seats so they could go home, and get them settled in 

Logan gave each of the babies a stuffed animals to hold after they were buckled in for the long journey home

"It's okay" Logan says as he was talking to the babies as he was continuing to buckle them in 

Once the last one was buckled in Kendall loaded up the train so they could head home with the babies

"It's okay Argentina papa is here love bug" Logan says as he picks up the little girl that was not happy at all 

Logan took her off the bus to walk with her for a little bit to soothe her 

"Argentina it's going to be okay" Kendall says as he comes to the little baby Logan had in his arms cause Kendall didn't see Logan on the bus 

"Yeah papa and daddy is here" Logan says as he was rocking the baby slowly in his arms to soothe her cries 

Kendall gave her a paci and she didn't want it at all

"I guess he wants her papa" Kendall says to Logan as Logan got back on the bus with her once she had settled down  

"I guess she does" Logan says as he sat down with her in his arms  

Logan was fixing her up as the other babies were babbling to each other happily as they were heading home 

"Argentina you are a real pretty girl you know that" Logan says as he was talking to her as they were heading home

"Yes you are little one" Kendall says as he was driving home

Logan propped her up to rub her back to have her go to sleep on his shoulder 

"There we go angel is that better huh" Logan says as he was holding her and she was settling down a little bit better as they were leaving the hospital to go home and get the babies settled in with the rest of them 

Logan was playing with her curls

"You have really pretty curls Argentina" Logan says as he was making her look pretty a little bit better

Kendall was going to stop at the convenient store to pick up some more diapers for the babies 

"I'll be back Logie" Kendall says as he headed into the store to get what they needed for the night

"I'll be here with the babies" Logan says as he was keeping the babies occupied since they weren't on the road any longer, and the babies might be fussy  

Logan was going to see if Kendall could pick up some formula or some food for the babies so they were full until the morning when they will start feeding the babies some baby food 


"Here we go and not a moment too soon either" Kendall says as he comes out with some food for the babies that were getting hungry a little bit

"Yeah they were getting fussy some food will do the trick and get them to settle down on their own a little bit" Logan says as he was giving the babies some food to help them sleep as Kendall started to load up 

Kendall was loading everything that he bought in the back so they could head home and get the babies settled in cause it was going to be a long night for them with Jordyn and all of the babies 

"Now daddy and papa is going to take you all home" Logan says as he was feeding the babies as well as Kendall got back on the bus so they could go home

"Yes we will and you guys will see where you guys are going to grow up at, and tonight you guys are going to sleep with us tonight for a while until you guys are comfortable sleeping" Kendall says to Logan as he started the bus back up to head home

V & C

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