Kendall & Logan bond with Jordyn

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"Here she is" the nurse says as she hands Logan little Jordyn

"Hi Jordyn" Logan says as he holds his and Kendall's daughter in his arms

"She really is perfect" Kendall says when he admires Jordyn who was looking around at where she was at the moment

"Yeah she is" Logan says as he rocks Jordyn cause she started to whimper a little bit

"Hi Jordyn I am your daddy" Kendall says to the baby that Logan had in his arms

"I'm your mommy" Logan says as he rocks Jordyn in his arms

"We are going to move you down to recovery now" the nurse tells Logan when she comes into the room after Logan was cleaned up after the birth

"That's fine" Logan says as the nurse starts to move him down to a different room

"Will the girls be able to see the baby tonight?" Kendall asks the nurse

"No I'm afraid not, but they will be able to see the baby first thing in the morning" the nurse says as she has Logan transfer to a wheelchair, so he could be moved to a different room to recover from the birth

"I'm staying with you tonight Logie" Kendall says to Logan as they were heading down to a different room 

"Kenny go I'll be fine with little Jordyn" Logan says as he continues to admire the cute baby that he had in his arms at the moment

"No I am going to stay here with you tonight, and that is fianl" Kendall says as they continue down the hallway to the room where Logan was going to be for the remainder of his hospital stay

"Okay suite yourself" Logan says as he continues to look at Jordy a little bit more

Soon they arrived at the room where Logan was going to be at

"Dad there is a pull out couch for you to sleep on tonight" the nurse says as she locks the breaks on Logan's wheelchair

"Thanks I'll make my bed now, and then get ready for bed myself" Kendall says as he works on the pull out bed for himself, so he could be comfortable that night when he spends it with Logan

The nurse lowers the bed for Logan, so he could get in and get comfortable for the night

"There you go I will take Jordyn now, so you can get into the bed" the nurse says as she takes Jordyn from Logan

"It's okay sweetie mommy is going to get comfortable is all and then I will hold you once more" Logan says as he gets into the bed that night

Logan takes his time getting into bed after he gets out of the wheelchair

"I forgot how much that hurts" Logan says as he sits on the bed after he got out of the wheelchair and started headed to the bed

Once in the bed and comfortable again the nurse hands him little Jordyn

"Hi baby girl" Logan says when he takes the little bundle from the nurse once more

Jordyn started to settle down once more when she knew she was in mommy's arms

"It's okay Jordyn I'm here" he says as he rocks Jordyn while Kendall got ready for bed in the bathroom that night

Jordyn continued to whimper

"After i get out I will get a bottle for her" Kendall says from inside the bathroom

"Don't bother I will call and ask the nurse to see if they can bring her a bottle down" Logan says as he calls the call light for a nurse to see if a bottle could be brought down for Jordyn

Soon a nurse comes in with a bottle for Jordyn

"Here you go sugar mommy knew what you wanted" Logan says as he feeds Jordyn her bottle 

Jordyn started to suckle the bottle

"Is she eating?" Kendall asks as he exit the bathroom after he got ready for bed

"Yeah she is" Logan says as he watches Jordyn eat

"That's good" Kendall says as the doctor comes in to check Logan over

"Are you still in pain?" the doctor asks Logan

"It's not too bad" Logan says as he continues to feed Jordyn her formula at the moment

"I'll go get you something to ease the discomfort" the doctor says as he leaves the room to get Logan some medicine

Logan chases the pill down with some water cause he was tired being in pain from the birth

"Here I can take her" Kendall says when he sees Logan's eyes drop

"Here Jordyn daddy is going to hold you while mommy gets some sleep" Logan says as he hands Jordyn over to her daddy

Kendall continues to feed Jordyn her bottle that night while Logan got comfortable in the hospital bed at the moment

"Jordyn your mommy and I love you very much and we can't wait to see you grow up and what kind of little lady you become" Kendall says as he continues to feed Jordyn her bottle that night while looking out of Logan's hospital room

A nurse brings in a bassinet for little Jordyn to sleep in after she has been fed and everything by her daddy that night

"Thank you" Kendall says to the nurse

Kendall burps little Jordyn after she had her bottle that night

"You must of been hungry peaches" Kendall says as he sets the empty bottle down to burp Jordyn

Jordyn let out a few good burps for daddy and a little spit up as well

"That's okay sugar daddy can clean you up" Kendall says as he lays Jordyn down, so he could change her diaper while Logan slept like a log

Once Kendall had Jordyn changed and everything he wrapped Jordyn back up in her cute blanket and laid her in the bassinet to sleep for the night

"There you go peaches" Kendall says as he lays her in the bassinet all swaddled in her little blanket

Jordyn was fast asleep

"Night peaches I love you" Kendall says as he kisses Jordyn good night before going to bed himself

Kendall put Jordyn by Logan's bed, so he could go to bed himself that night

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