Logan talks to Kendall

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"Oh Kenny can we talk?" Logan asks him one night when Kyla and the babies were in bed

"Sure Logan what's up' Kendall asks him

"You know how we got Kyla right?" Logan asks him

"Yeah" Kendall says to him

"I want to go throught it again for Aspen, so she has a sister to play with" Logan says to him

"Logan there is no way that we can through that again cause we had so many heartaches when we were trying for Kyla. We could have heartaches trying for this one" Kendall says as he goes downstairs cause he didn't want to deal with Logan right down

"Kendall I'm sure this time will work, and you got to have faith in me that this time we can conceive" Logan says as he follows Kendall downstairs to continues this talk

"Logie it gets expensive with every try that we do, and there is a chance that this one will not happen" Kendall says as he does the bottles after the babies feeding that day

"I know it does, and i have been keeping some back, so we can give this round a try. Remember the one that we did, and we got Kyla as a result" Logan says as he gets the formula out, so he could restock for the babies

Kendall has a flashback to the one that got them to have Kyla


"Logie if this one doesn't work promise me that we will go for adoption" Kendall says as they leave to go to the clinic

"I promise this one has to work it has to" he says as he looks at his stomach that will hold the baby that they will conceieve

Kendall carries Logan in cause he doesn't want anything to go wrong this time

"Kendall you can bring Logan in cause we are ready for him" the nurse tells him

Kendall carries Logan to the room

"Logie do you need help to get into your hospital gown?" Kendall asks him 

"No I'm fine i got this" Logan says as he finishes changing into his hospital gown

"Okay let me know when you are done, so i can carry you to the bed" Kendall tells him

"Will do" Logan says to Kendall

Logan was done a few minutes later, and Kendall carried him to the bed

"I am comfident this treatment has to work" Logan says as he looks into Kendall's eyes

"Me too I will take care of you, so it takes, and we have a little one" Kendall says as they kiss

"I already starting shopping for the baby" Logan tells him

"Let's wait a while Logie cause i want to join in for shopping for our little one" Kendall tells him

"Okay I want to wait a little bit to go shopping anyways" Logan says as he looks at the ceiling until it was time for him to go back

Kendall and Logan talk a bit more until Logan goes back for his procedure

"I'll be waiting right here" Kendall says as he holds Logan's hand

"Bye" Logan says as he gives Kendall a kiss

"Bye" Kendall says as he kisses Logan back

While Logan was in the operating room Kendall goes and looks at the babies that were in the nursery cause he was excited to have his own little own to hold in his arms


Kendall was excited to see Logan after the operation cause this was the last one that Logan will have to go through

"Hey" Kendall says as he pokes his head into the hospital room

"Hey" Logan says weakly

"How are you feeling babe?" Kendall asks him

"Sore but that is expected" Logan says when he feels the pain that was in his stomach

"When will we hear that it worked?" Kendall asks Logan

"Not for a month cause i will have the morning sickness and everything" Logan says as he sits up 

"I will be there every step of the way" Kendall says as they kiss

(A month later)

Kendall could hear Logan emptying his stomach in the bathroom, and he was happy cause this time it worked and that they were pregnant

"I'm going to be back I'm going to get a test" Kendall tells Logan

"Okay" Logan tells him from inside the bathroom as he continues to get sick

(End of flashback)

"Okay we can try again, and this will be the only time until the babies are older" Kendall tells him

"Okay I'll get it set-up, so we can go through it again" Logan says to Kendall

Kendall decides to look at the pictures that were taken of just the three of them before the babies came

"Kyla was one cute little girl back then" he says as he looks at the pictures that were hanging on the wall

Soon the babies B&B and Aspen woke up from their slumber

"Okay you three daddy is coming" Kendall says as he goes up to where the girls were at

Kendall grabs Logan in the process cause handling three babies takes a lot of work

"Okay you three it's alright daddy and papa is here" Logan says as they enter the nursery

Logan grabs the twins and Kendall gets Aspen from her crib

"It's okay Aspen" Kendall says as he picks her up from her crib to hold her in his arms to comfort her and make everything all better once more

"Bryn and Ellie it's alright" Logan says as he takes the other twins to the rocking chair to rock a little bit

Kendall goes to the other one to rock Aspen back to sleep

"They must have had a bad dream" Logan says as he rocks the first set of twins back to sleep

"Must of" Kendall says as he strokes Aspen's tiny cheek

"They are cute girls" Logan says in a whisper as he rocks back and forth

'Yeah they will have great life with us" Kendall says

"I can't wait to see how they grow up together as sisters" Logan says as Bryn and Ellie start to go back to sleep in papa's arms once more

"Me either it is going to be great with three babies, and two girls running around the house

"There won't be a dull moment in this house ever" Logan says to Kendall

"Nope it will be perfect" kendall says to him

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